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Culturally Sensitive Care: End Of Life Care

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Culturally sensitive care is essential in caring diverse patient population in any kind of healthcare settings. Oncology nurses are in forefront to implement cultural, spiritual and religious compassionate care while caring terminally ill and end-of-life care. Nursing practice to meet the needs of the patients, families and community, require the culturally competent nurses who can reflect sensitivity, knowledge and skills to bring positive outcomes. Although we are able to coordinate with our patients and family requirements broadly to satisfy their basic needs in the unit, further conceptual approach is essential. Ethical committees are on board to regularize the activities of the healthcare professional for understanding and providing supportive care concerning health, illness, death and dying, grief and bereavement the preferences varied in certain situations (Halm et al., 2012, p.337). For example, decision making in life sustaining measures are seems to be complicated until unless it had been decided earlier with poor prognosis of the illness with help of socio-cultural interprofessionals intervention. …show more content…
We have the core principles for end-of-life care integrating professional practice in connection with culturally sensitivity mainly “respectful to patients’ and and family’s wishes” (Halm et al., 2012). The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) emphasis on 15 competencies including the core principles. Understanding cultural background to assess and treat main aspects related to physical, mental, social and spiritual needs to enhance quality of life care (AACN,

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