Premium Essay

Customer Service


Submitted By dkay
Words 278
Pages 2
Customer service is a process for providing significant value added benefit to the supply chain in a cost-effective way. It is also providing a continuing link between the times that the order is placed and the goods are received with a purpose to satisfy the customer needs.
In the customer service there have 3 elements that involved. They are pre-transaction, transaction and post-transaction. The pre- transaction, there have several factors in the customer service which need to be done before the real transaction made. In this element also, there have four examples method need to use such as written service customer policy, accessibility, the organization structure and system flexibility.
Transaction element in the customer service is the elements directly related to the physical transaction and are those that are most commonly concerned with logistics. There have several element also involves in this type of element such as condition of goods, inventory availability, order preparation, service or order cycle time, delivery alternatives, delivery reliability and order status information.
The third element is post-transaction, the post-transaction means, which involve those element that occur after the delivery has taken place. In this element consist five methods that used during post-transaction such as invoicing procedures, invoicing accuracy, product tracing, return policy, availability of spares, call-out time and customer complaints and procedures.
In conclusion, the three elements need to be done in managing the customer service. It is to ensure the effectiveness of the customer service which delivery to the end customers.

Douglas M. Lambert, James R. Stock, & Lisa M. Elram. Fundamental of Logistics Management. Irwin McGraw-Hill, Inc. Siagian, Yolanda M.

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