Premium Essay

Dan Moorecroft


Submitted By hhous062
Words 388
Pages 2
Dan Moorcroft: CEO of QMR Consulting and Professional Staffing
- Provide full range consulting services for midterm capacity requirement, change implementation, and risk management.
- Consulting: Federal government has a $5 million dollar contract, professional services companies bid for the contract, and then if they win the contract, then they have to fill the spots that the government needs by hiring independent contractors to do the job.
- Focus in Finance, IT, and Performance Management.
- Global Trade
- Market
- Game playing –value proposition
- Funnel –professional, personal, community
- Interpersonal skills
- As a manager you need to be able to stand in front of people.
- Volenteer –United way
- Chamber of commerce
- 33 on fastest growing company
- Don’t seek praise seek critisim Bun is complement, beef is criticism
- Leadership –Leaders are not born, they aren’t even taught. Leaders are developed through practice.
- Planning and strategist: the managers roles.
- Planning –identifiying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of actions
- Develop the mission/goal, formulate the plan/strategy, Implement the plan/ strategy
- Pardigm shift- technology has changed.Before it was the convergence of technology Today Convergance of information, knowledge and data.
- The shared info, data, knowledge is made possible through Social media- facebook twitter (didn’t exist five years from today)
- 1 billion active users on facebook- 2 years ago
- Peer influence impressions generate on social media- 62 percent from facebook.
- 95 percent of businesses use linked in to find and attract employees.
- Linked in –socail media of choice for business
- More then half of the human race is under the age of thrity. Kids are the leading part of digital media.
- Internet and social media has changed the way we talk and interact. Its like

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