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Database Traffic Load Report


Submitted By sbridewell
Words 493
Pages 2
Student Rolando Salas Date 8/10/14

SEC450 Database Traffic Load Lab Report

NOTE: Use carriage returns and page breaks as needed to prevent table contents from extending across page boundaries.

Task 1—Set up Database Traffic Flows

* For Socket information, the protocol will be TCP and the Source port will be set to sqlnet – Oracle. When you have completed the traffic configuration, capture the Traffic Generator window (<Alt><PrtSc>) as shown below and paste (<Ctrl>V) it into the table cell provided below.

Paste completed Traffic Generator dialog window here.

Task 2—Discrete Event Simulation (DES)

* Note that the Utilization is 100% and the throughput is truncated at less than 50 packets per second. This indicates total saturation of the serial link. Capture this DES Graphs window (<Alt><PrtSc>) and paste it (<Ctrl>V) into your lab document.

Paste the DES Graphs Window showing 100% utilization here.

* Set up the graphs as shown using Stacked Statistics this time. Note that the Utilization is slightly less than 100% and the packets/sec value is 100 packets/sec. Capture this DES Graphs window (<Alt><PrtSc>) as shown below and paste (<Ctrl>V) it into your lab document.

Paste the DES Graphs Windows showing slightly less than 100% Utilization here.

Why is the packets/sec value approximately 100 packets/sec? Explain below. The reason why the packets/sec value is almost100 packets/sec is because the routers serial links of Dallas to ISP and Chicago to ISP data rate serial links was changed to 128,000 data rate. The higher the data rate the lower the utilization percentage will be.

Task 3—Bring the Serial Utilization % to Less Than 50%

* Right click on the ISP->Dallas serial link and select View Results. Select Utilization --> (Report Utilization).

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