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Decision Making


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Decision Making Study

Decision Making Study Providing medical care to patients at the County Clinic can be challenging from a financial perspective. This vulnerable population contains challenges in treating patients with difficult multi-factorial disease entities, patients with transportation and other access difficulties, and patients who are uninsured or underinsured. The majority of patients at the County Clinic are covered by Medicare and Medicaid. Recently, the departmental budget for the County Clinic was cut by 15%. In order to continue to provide services for this vulnerable group, the managers at County Clinic will need to evaluate how to best address the needs of the community by eliminating or introducing services that will best address the significant health care needs required by this population. Making a decision regarding a health policy initiative in the face of budget constraints requires that management takes a reasoned approach to decision making. In order to make these decisions, managers need to find the best evidence available, assess the available evidence, and determine which evidence is relevant to the decision making process. Thomas Rundall, Ph. D at the University of California at Berkeley developed a toolbox to aid decision makers in this area. His document is called the Informed Decisions Toolbox. This toolbox contains six steps that will be addressed by County Clinic in developing an action plan for the budget constraints of the department. These six steps include: 1) framing the management question, 2) finding sources of information, 3) assessing the accuracy of the information, 4) assessing the applicability of the information, 5) assessing the actionability of the information, and 6) determining if the information is adequate (Rundall, 2007). This paper will outline how County Clinic will use the Informed Decisions Toolbox to outline an action plan to adequately care for the population of the clinic in the current climate of budget constraints.

Framing The Management Question The first step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is framing the management question. This step determines what the end point of the decision will be and what management really needs to know in order to make a decision based on all available information. In the case of County Clinic, the correct question would be which services should be cut and which services should be expanded to continue to provide excellent community health care while considering the budget cut of 15%. Considerations for existing services would include what services are provided now, what is the percentage of use of those services, what percentage of those services are reimbursed by Medicaid, and what services does the community think are necessary. Considerations for newly proposed services would include what services are provided by other like county clinics, what disease processes could be influenced by expanding services, and what services the community thinks should be added.
Finding Sources of Information The second step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is finding sources of information. This step ensures that the management team has used the best evidence based criteria for making the informed decision. Staff and consultants should be enlisted to determine what the sources should be. In the case of County Clinic, relevant sources of information could include community outreach surveys, patient databases, federal reimbursement criteria, and what services are offered in similar country clinics both regionally and nationally.
Assessing The Accuracy Of The Information
The third step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is assessing the accuracy of the information. In this step management needs to determine the reliability and validity of the information. The source of the information should be identifiable and credible. Examples would include government surveys and databases. The information should also be supported by evidence from controlled studies or known scientific facts. Other sources that validate the information strengthen the validity of the information. Anonymous sources or empiric data should not be included in the decision making process. The information should also be reviewed to determine if it supports clinical data and community needs.
Assessing the Applicability of The Information
The next step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is assessing the applicability of the information. This step determines whether the information relates to the decision that is being examined and if it is applicable to the County Clinic demographics. This applicability also relates to reimbursement arrangements and current regulatory guidelines.
Assessing the Actionability of the Information
The fifth step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is assessing the actionability of the information. This step determines whether the information contains enough data that County Clinic could use to implement the plan. Can the information support the decision to add services or withhold services and how can this plan be implemented? Another area to be considered during this step is the possible effects of the decision. Will the community use the services proposed and will reimbursement cover the expected costs? Are there any negative outcomes from this decision? If new services are offered, will they be utilized? If existing services are cut, will community health and wellness be affected?
Determining If The Information Is Adequate
The sixth and last step in the Informed Decision Toolbox matrix is determining if the information is adequate. This step determines if there is enough information to make a final decision. Does the information support a decision to expand services, cut services, or a combination? Is there information that is still needed before a decision can be made? This step should also determine what the next steps would be if there is no way to obtain the information or if the information does not exist. If the information is not adequate, the decision making process may need to be reinitiated.
Providing medical care to the vulnerable patients at the County Clinic can be challenging from a financial perspective. This paper outlined how the management team will use available information to determine how best to serve this population while facing a 15% budget cut. Using the Informed Decision Toolbox, management examined how to use the six steps necessary to determine the best services to add or delete to stay within budgetary constraints while continuing to serve the community.


Informed Decisions Toolbox: Finding and Using Management Research Evidence. May 2008. Rockville, MD. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

Rundall, T., Martelli, P., Arroyo, L, et. al. The informed decisions toolbox: tools for knowledge transfer and performance improvement. Journal of Healthcare Management. September/October 2007.
Shortell SM, Rundall TG, Hsu J. Improving patient care by linking evidence-based medicine and evidence-based management. JAMA 2007;298:673-6

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