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Definition Essay: The Cause Of Violence In Our Lives

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Violence is something that teenagers, adults, and even children are familiar with today. It occurs throughout our nation and world. It can destroy families and lives. It can even kill someone, literally or mentally. We see violence through bullying, video games, and abusive parenting. There are bounteous causes for violence. Some people become angry and take it out in violence, while others just want to fit in. Whatever the case, violence is never the answer. As the Dalai Lama once spoke, “Through violence you may ‘solve’ one problem, but you sow the seeds for another.” I personally don’t have much experience with violence. As the youngest of 5 and the only girl though, you can imagine the bickering that takes place in our household. Although my brothers and I fight constantly, I can’t really say that any of their violent actions have scarred me or even physically injured me too much. They tantalize me and sometimes even hit me, but not to the point where I’m in severe pain physically or emotionally.
Violence can be identified through any physical behavior involving force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. We overhear about and see violence on the news, on TV and in movies, in books, in homes, and in schools. Violence can be caused by differences in opinions, race, ethnicity, age, height, weight, religion, gender, income, and …show more content…
In America and many other countries, teens and kids of all ages play video games. I’m not attempting to imply that all video games are violent. I’m just stating that most popular video games, or ‘cool’ games are violent and gory. Children should not be allowed to play these games. At such a young age, they are impressionable and will believe all things they espy to be okay. Also, as they get used to playing these type of games, they will begin to respond to difficult situations with violence as a natural

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