Premium Essay

Demographic Segmentation


Submitted By marianlunacyrus
Words 1954
Pages 8
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
San Beda College

Final Examination
Introduction to Political Science, Philippine Government and Constitution


1. The power of the government to enact laws promoting public welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property is otherwise known: a. Taxation b. Eminent domain c. Police power d. Ray-gun

2. The above-mentioned power is inherently vested upon the a. Judiciary branch b. Executive branch c. Legislative branch d. Armed Forces of the Philippines

3. The statement “No person shall be deprived of his life, liberty or property” is a. Absolutely true b. Generally true c. An exception to the general rule d. Bulls**t! Considering that many are being unjustly deprived of these rights day in and day out.

4. In the above-mentioned statement, person pertains to a. All, without exceptions b. Both natural and juridical c. Both citizens and aliens, without exceptions d. None of the above

5. The Judiciary can review the acts of the other branches of the government and determine whether there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in such acts. This is reflective of the doctrine of a. Separation of powers b. Checks and balances c. Non-delegability of powers d. She-had-me-at-my-worst…you-had-me-at-my-best……….and-you-chose-to-break-my-heart

6. The aforementioned function of the Judiciary to make such determination is otherwise known as a. Judicial review b. Judicial power c. Judicial prerogative d. Judicial boom panes

7. The license to operate a motor vehicle is a. A property right b. Not a property right, but a privilege granted by the State, which may be suspended by the State

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