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Descriptive Essay


Submitted By desii01
Words 573
Pages 3
Desirae Talley
Foundation of Writing
January 25, 2013
Descriptive Essay As a little girl, I was ecstatic about growing up. I always imagine having a nice sized house and having my own car. I always imagine living the American dream. I had a wonderful family which included my husband, a little girl named Carmen and a little boy named Cameron, and a fluffy dog, named Spot. Together we would live happily in a nice neighborhood. When someone walks in they would be greeted by my massive two tier chandelier in the corridor. It would be filled with painting from world known artist. To the left there would be the den that would have decorated in chocolate and cream. There would be a chocolate leather couch, a chocolate leather chair and ataman. On the couch there will be cream throw pillows and a cream and tan blanket draped over the back of the couch. On the right of the corridor, there will be the kitchen. The kitchen would be the most vibrant room in the house. The walls in the kitchen would be a pale pink with rose lining. The appliances would be stainless steel and black in color. The tablecloth and curtains would change every week, but on this specific day, they were a marigold with pink and purple trimming. Straight ahead is the hallway that would lead to upstairs. Walking up the grand staircase that had 32 plush carpeted stairs you will see the banister that will be hand crafted by my brother who wants to be an architect. On the left of the staircase it will be my children’s room. Carmen would have everything pink, purple and white. She would have a canopy bed that had a silver canopy. Over in Cameron room, his room would be blue, red and black. He would have a bed that resembles a wrestling ring. Walking out of Cameron room to the left it would be the bathroom. The bathroom would be simple in color, black and silver. There will be a step in shower with jets that shot water to gently massage your body. There will be a Jacuzzi hot tub with 16 motor jets. The bathroom would be designed for him and her, two different sinks and mirrors. The towels would be black and white, black body towel, white drying towel, and a black washcloth. In my home I will a study. The study will be just like the living room. I would have a cherry wood polished desk, with a chocolate leather chair. I would have two plush cream chairs in front of my desk. The walls would be cream and various pictures would hang on the walls of my family. This would be the only room beside the kitchen and bathroom that won’t have carpet. It would have hardwood bamboo floors. My favorite room in the house would be my bedroom. This would be my paradise. The room would have cream walls with a splash of lime green. There would be a fireplace at the end of the bed. I would have a California king size bed that sit up high off the floor. It would have a black and green comforter, sheets and pillowcases. There would be stuff animals that look like each one of us. They would sit on a shelf to remind me of my happiness. That is my dream house and a few details about it.

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