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Determinants of Strategic Management Implementation in Local Governments. an International Setting


Submitted By nohaz
Words 2008
Pages 9

Lourdes Torres, Vicente Pina and Ana Yetano

Submitted to: Dr. Saneya El Galaly
Prepared by: Noha ElZalabani
Intake: 40C - Heliopolis

Paper Summary:

The past two decades have witnessed an influx of new ideas and initiatives in the field of public management in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, which have led governments to undertake major changes in the way in which the public sector is managed in order to better meet citizen needs within expenditure limits. Anglo-American, Nordic and European Continental countries have come under increasing pressure to improve their efficiency and effectiveness and to reduce their demands on taxpayers while maintaining the quality of services and the welfare state. This paper seeks to acquire a deeper understanding of how some of these new ideas have worked in practice by examining the implementation of strategic management in twenty-three pioneer local governments in Australia, Canada, Spain, Sweden, the USA and the UK, countries which belong to different public administration styles. The goal is to identify both the factors that affect the implementation of strategic management and the advantages brought to the organization. For this purpose, experts' views on the implementation of strategic management systems in local governments have been analyzed, applying the Delphi method. The results will allow a deeper knowledge about the ideal implementation process and the expected benefits which strategic management could entail.
This paper was prepared by three researchers from University of Zaragoza Gran Vía (Spain) and Public University of Navarra Pamplona, and it seeks to acquire a deeper understanding of how some of these new ideas have worked in practice by examining the

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