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Difference Between Nurses with Different Level of Education


Submitted By shinto1
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Pages 5
Difference between nurses with different level of education As nursing has become a highly competent profession, the educational opportunities for nurses have increased significantly. The hospitals and other organizations that provide health care are also competing with each other and now the demand for nurses with bachelor degree is increasing. For decades the American Nurses association and the National League for nursing have attempted to make the BSN the only educational program for RNs in the US. This essay focuses on the difference in the competencies between nurses prepared at the associate-degree level versus the baccalaureate-degree level in nursing. Studies have shown that the higher educated RNs have a better overall patient satisfaction, better outcomes related to medical condition, and a lower overall cost of care. According to Williams, (1995) a study conducted by Little and Brian, indicates that higher education enhances the personal and professional growth during and after graduation. The article also indicates that as per the study conducted by Whalen nurses with baccalaureate degree had a strong bureaucratic and professional orientation. Some studies indicated that the more number of nurses with bachelor degree are members of professional organization where as very few nurses with associate degree have membership in professional organizations (Williams). The trend in nursing is going professional. Professional nursing in the hospital setting in particular is associated with a bachelor’s degree. Surveys shows that most hospitals prefer to hire nurses with bachelor’s degrees, though they often cannot find enough. Lawmakers in several states, including New York, New Jersey have introduced bills that would require at least some hospital staff nurses to have bachelor’s degree with in 10 ears. The American association of colleges of nursing emphasizes that education has a great impact on the knowledge and skills of the nurse clinician. According to the American association of colleges of nursing, nurses with bachelor’s degree in nursing are well prepared to meet the demands placed on the nurses today (Rosseter, 2010). The associate degree in nursing is short in duration as compared to bachelors’ degree in nursing which is a four year course where as the former is as short as two years. The BSN curriculum is formulated not only with technical skills but also leadership and managerial skills. There fore, the BSN nurses can easily take up management positions where as the ADN nurses may find difficult to take up. BSN nurses also have more autonomy in the medical field because with their knowledge they are more efficient take critical decisions on their own (Academic writing, 2011). Baccalaureate degree in nursing provides much more emphasis to critical thinking skills for the students and by having better critical thinking skills nurses can meet the needs of their patients within their context, and considering their preferences. One’s ability to think critically can be affected by age, length of education (e.g., an associate vs. a baccalaureate decree in nursing), and completion of philosophy or logic subjects (Benner, Ronda, & Molly). Therefore, nurses with experience may be able to use critical thinking skills efficiently as the critical thinking skills can be improved with past experience. When comparing two new grads with different levels of nursing education such as associate and BSN, the BSN nurse may be able to take the decision effectively than the other new graduate nurse. With continues experience, both the nurses will learn to develop critical thinking skills, but doing so will be much easier for the one with higher educational background such as BSN. When working on the medical unit, a BSN nurse may be able to analyze and question or agree with a medical prescription after considering the patient’s history, condition, and age as well as dietary requirements and restrictions. The BSN nurse is able to do so because she has some knowledge on how to integrate facts about age, pharmacology, diet and exercise in enhancing the recovery process, in other words a BSN nurse is whole rounded and well informed compared to an ADN nurse(Academic writing, 2011). On a telemetry floor when two new nurses, each with different educational background, that is BSN and ADN started working, it was noted that they both competed with each other in terms of the patient care skills. In regards to critical thinking skills such as collecting all the necessary information, prior to calling the doctor, or making appropriate decisions in a patient emergency, was noted to be more prominent in the nurse with BSN degree when compared to the ADN nurse. Even though their skills are not comparable with the experienced nurses the nurse with BSN was able to develop the critical thinking skills faster and work more efficiently. The BSN nurse also exhibited leadership skills, and was motivated and enthusiastic to learn more. When a post angioplasty patient was bleeding from the groin site, the two above mentioned new nurses went into the room, and the AND nurse was noted to go out to call an experienced nurse for help. At the same time, the BSN nurse stayed with the patient even though did not know what to do, and used the phone in the room to call for help which is more appropriate and safety of the patient. Healthcare is progressing toward advance degrees. The BSN is really an entry level now. The bachelor degree in nursing provides the nurses with critical thinking, leadership and management skills along with the basic knowledge that the associate degree provides. As the health care is getting more and more competent, and the nursing is advancing day by day, nurses with higher education are in demand as the efficiency of the nurses increases with higher education. Completing bachelor degree opens door for further expanding the career as well as education. Therefore, getting baccalaureate degree in nursing is always beneficial to the individual and the society.

References Academic writing (2011). Disparities in competencies between BSN and ADN, RN nurses. Retrieved 03/30/2012, from
Benner, P., Ronda, H. G., & Molly, S. Clinical reasoning, critical thinking and action: thinking critically and clinically. In Patient safety and quality: an evidence- based hand book for nurses: AHRQ publication. Retrieved on 03/30/2012 from
Rosseter, R. (2010),. American Association of College Nursing: The impact of education on nursing practice, retrieved on 10th January, 2011 from
Williams, M. J. (1995). A comparison of self perceptions of professionalism of Diploma, Associate degree, and Articulated BSN, RN Graduate. Miami, An Arbor: MI.

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