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Discussion Board Unit 3


Submitted By Bobbirave
Words 286
Pages 2
Discussion Board Unit 3
Introduction to Computer Lab

For your discussion board for Week 3, use your favorite search engine to research the steps necessary to do an effective presentation using PowerPoint. Explore beyond your first results, and look for information that interests you and that you did not know about making effective presentations. I had found this website while researching steps to effective presentations ( This site focuses more on the before steps before you start actually designing your PowerPoint presentation. I thought that this was useful because in order to create a PowerPoint presentation you should be prepared and have your information ready In Gathering your Information they used a saying that caught my attention (Kiss-Keep It Simple Silly). I thought that was a good reminder to not overdue yourself on the presentation. Also I thought that sticking with 3 or 4 main points for your presentation was a good tip because if you use too much information then your presentation will lose the audience’s attention.
I found this website Speaking about Presenting at ( It caught my attention with the phrases that they used. Avoid cheesy effects and focus on simple design basics. This site also had tips on viewing the PowerPoint presentation pertaining to the backgrounds of the slides and how they are seen from the audience. I found this website which I thought was pretty interesting Slide Team at ( I didn’t even know that they made slides like this where you can download them but if anyone is interesting you should check this

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