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Dispute Resolution Strategies


Submitted By Mghondi
Words 1477
Pages 6
Dispute resolution strategies

The paper is about dispute resolution strategies. It identifies three strategies and discusses them in details. Specifically, the paper entails an elaborate discussion on mediation, negotiation and compromise as conflict resolution strategies. Mediation and negotiation are alternative dispute resolution ADR strategies while compromise is an incorporation of litigation and can also be part of ADR. The three strategies are applicable for organizational and other types of conflicts. Apart from proposals off the potential applications of the methods, the paper also presents a comparison between the three methods and the legal systems of resolving conflict. In addition, it discusses in brief the processes, benefits and the limitations of the processes.
Mediation entails a due process that involves a neutral third party, a mediator, in conflict resolution. The mediator is never judgmental nor partisan during the process. The mediator never decides any wrongdoers but focus on the problem-solving process. Mediation allows for the revision and adjustment of the conflict scope. Agreements after mediation are readily acceptable than those from a judicial ruling because all participants are involved in reaching a compromise.
Mediation is informal and involves a mediator that guides the process. The mediator engages the disputants to drop hostilities and come to a mutual agreement. In fact, mediation is multi-step and is designed to yield ultimate outcome those establishes relationships and resolves disagreements completely. Mediation starts with an opening statements form the mediator followed by that from the disputants. It then comprises joint discussion through which the complainants air out concerns and draws lines. At this point, the mediator studies the parties and

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