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Diversity in the Workplace


Submitted By Houston1212
Words 1362
Pages 6
Attention grabber. A tremendous challenge in organizations is learning how to efficiently diversify the workplace (Hostager & De Meuse, 2008). As we continue to emerge from the global recession the marketplace continues to remain extremely competitive. Even within this contentious environment, however, one could say organizations have become increasingly open minded about diversity. Competition is coming from all over, and because of this, organizations have to become more resourceful and seek for competitive advantages. Diversity has now become essential for management in order to ensure success. Diversity brings forth more creativity and it can have a positive effect on the way individuals work. People bring their cultural principles with them to work so it is important to identify culture orientation. However, because diversity is still somewhat a challenge, managers need to teach their employees as well as themselves the skills and abilities needed to work in a multiethnic environment. (Green, Lopez, Wysocki, & Kepner) This paper will highlight ways to create and maintain a diverse workforce, as well as the benefits and challenges of diversity as well as equal employment opportunity programs.

For a long time “diversity has been one of the most controversial and least understood topics”. (Rohini, 2008 ) A recent survey conducted among human resources (HR) and diversity practitioners examined how they defined diversity (Society for Human Resources Management, 2008). At least eight definitions emerged, and 71% of respondents indicated that their organization did not have an official definition.
DIVERSITY DEFINED (subheader) (italicize this)
“Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental

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