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Division of Labor


Submitted By cleomexican
Words 1476
Pages 6
How does it come about that the individual, whilst becoming more autonomous, depends ever more closely upon society?... Such is the nature of the problem that we have set ourselves. (The Division of Labour in Society, p. xxx)
This problem is Division of labor. In a society, whose members claim to being individuals and self sufficient, each member depends upon its society and members even more than ever to live. Division of labor is occupational specialization that encourages an emphasis on the specific attributes of individuals. It is part of nature’s course for division of labor to occur many sociological thinkers would say and that it was occurring for the advancement of civilization, that is most sociological thinkers except for Durkheim. Durkheim was a French sociologist who had a very strong view about division of labor. Durkheim was born in 1858 to a very devout Jewish family, and died in 1917. Durkheim came to be the first French professor of sociology, and is considered to be one of the fathers of sociology along with Karl Marx, and Max Weber. Durkheim’s first major sociological book was The Division of Labor In Society. His man focus was trying to figure out how societies would maintain their integrity and coherence in society. According to Durkheim social order was maintained in societies based on two very different forms of solidarity. The first one being mechanical (which is social cohesiveness based on homogeneity and the characteristic of simple (traditional) societies, consisting of collective activities, meaning having similar beliefs, shared moral sentiments and common experiences), and the second one being organic solidarity (social cohesiveness characteristic of complex, modern societies, based on division of labor, meaning having complementary differences between individuals and subgroups, social interdependence and economic

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Standard: Direct Materials: Quantity of coffee beans: 200,000 pounds Cost per pound: $0.50 per pound Direct Labor: Direct labor rate: $20.00 per hour Labor hours to be used: 0.05 hours per pound Variable overhead: $.10 per pound 

Refer to Java Gourmet Coffee. Calculate the total direct materials variance.  15,500 SP ́ SQ $0.50 ́ 200,000 = $100,000 SP ́ SQ $0.50 ́ 200,000 = $100,000 $0.55 ́ 210,000 = $115,500 $0.50 ́ 210,000 = $105,000 |_____$10,500 U _____|________ $5,000 U_____| Direct materials price...

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