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Drug Addiction


Submitted By romansust
Words 6803
Pages 28
Executive Summary:
This study examined the types of drugs students in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet abuse. The participants were 10 university students drawn from different departments of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet for case study. Case study method with purposive sampling and qualitative approach has been used to conduct the study.The intent of this study was to investigate the reasons that influence to drug abuse among the university students in Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. The analyses yielded the following results: students in the university abuse drugs such as tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, syrup, slipping tablet, Yabba, heroin so on.Students use drugs mostly everyday most of the narcotics.Students use drugs to feel good, to keep awakeand to sleep. This study found that most of the addicted students do not suffer for taking drugs. Taking drugs do not bring negative impact on their study; students have no psychological or physiological illness becauseof drugs. Based on these findings, the study recommends police and customs control, family support, friends’ supports, prohibition of drug use, compulsory treatment of drug addicts as primary solution to reduce the rate of drug addiction.The study also recommends among others the need to organize awareness programmes in our campus to educate students that drugs can alter brain circuitry, which will affect their learning; and the university authorities to put in place severe disciplinary measures to stem the tide of drug abuse.

Chapter-1 Introduction 1.1. Introduction 1.2. Statement of the problem 1.3. Rationale of the study 1.4. Objectives
Chapter-2 Literature review
Chapter-3 Research Methodology 3.1 Types of Research 3.2 Area of the study 3.3 Sources of data 3.4

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