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Dust Bowl Research Paper

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The Dust Bowl
SWOOSH! BOOM! The rocks are hittin houses banging on windows.What is happening? The year of 1930 there this storm that killed mostly about 7 thousand people. This storm was called the “The Dust Bowl”.The dust bowl was a serious storm it affected a lot of people especially children. This storm had spread all over a good section of the great plains of the united states that had also extended over Southern Colorado,Southwestern Kansas the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma,and now New Mexico.
The Dust bowl was known as the “Dirty Thirties”, because it happened in the 1930’s and its main supporter was the dirt so it was basically a storm made mostly of dirt. In 1932 there was about 14 storms on the great plains. Some reasons that may have caused the dust bowl were over-farming, livestock overgrazing, droughts, and poor-farming practices. More than 100 million acres was destroyed while this storm was happening. The Dust gots it’s name after the black Sunday that was on April 14, 1935. …show more content…
Both storms, Black Sunday and Dust Bowl both affected a lot of people 7,000 people. Including men, women, and mostly children had lost their lives because of this storm.The main cause of this storm that killed everybody was the Phenomeno. The Dust Bowl was caused by some kind of bacteria that had got in the wind that was called Phenomenon. Phenomenon is a drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods.
The children had starved so much during this storm because they didn't have nothing to drink, eat nothing.The storm was so dangerous that if you ate or drunk anything that was out in the storm you was going to die.In the early 1930’s during the worst drought and financial depression in american history .During this horrible storm the was this basketball team that had to go play against the Cardinals.The team had traveled farm to farm near a tiny Oklahoma

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