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Early Childhood Brain Development

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One thing you can do as an individual staff member would be to learn about your students and be empathetic to things that happen. Understand that some of these students who are in poverty may not always be on time for class or they may not be able to bring in things to share with the class. You as a teacher need to learn about each and every child in your class and offer help if needed to those families that are in need. Another thing you could do is to send child development information or nutrition information home with your students for parents to read. A parent may have time at the end of the night to read something that you send home so if you send home information they can use they may benefit.
“On December 10, 2015, President Obama …show more content…
It hold so much knowledge and personality of a person that one could say your brain is you. Research over the past several years has given us insight into the practices that oversee early brain development and how those procedures relate to behavior. “Brain development begins a few weeks after conception and is thought to be complete by early adulthood” (Twardosz, 2012). In postpartum development the environment plays a vital role in nurturing development, and the connections between genetics and experiences explain most developmental outcomes (Twardosz, 2012). The development of social brain functions in infancy is characterized by the following key principles: (a) self-relevance, (b) joint engagement, (c) predictability, (d) categorization, (e) discrimination, and (f) integration (Grossmann, 2015). The brain’s innate plasticity, or ability to establish and modify patterns of thinking and behavior, is most malleable in the first several years of life, though neuroplasticity extends for years after (Twardosz, 2012). Learning takes place throughout life, yet the brain is most sensitive to experiences early on, both positive and negative (Twardosz, 2012). This means that some of the most crucial parts of brain development is dependent on the experiences that are happening daily in your …show more content…
The principles underpinning the early development of social brain functioning remain largely unexplored (Grossmann, 2015). Neuroscience in particular has an ever-growing body of knowledge related to children’s development in a number of domains from movement to language, attention, problem solving, and even ethics, especially targeting the unique period of neural growth from prenatal development through age 8 (Sripada, 2012). The field of neuroscience expands each year, along with research in child development, education, science, and economics (Twardosz, 2012). “Social and emotional capacities are being recognised as equally as important as cognitive capacities as indicators of healthy brain development and as predictors of academic achievement” (Twardosz, 2012). Because areas of the brain develop, organise and become functional at diverse times, there are periods where specific experiences are more effective to enable development in the precise area (Sripada, 2012). These finding show that early childhood teachers make a huge impact on brain development. They show that every interaction that I child has during the early years of life impacts how their brain

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