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Expectation Maximization in Collaborative Filtering
Jonathan Baker 2010

Abstract Expectation maximization (EM) is a method of approximating maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) in models with missing data or latent variables. A straightforward application of EM is collaborative filtering (CF): using data from multiple agents to predict unreported values. In this paper, we show a simple method of applying EM to a large CF problem: predicting ratings in the Netflix Prize dataset.


Auxiliary Functions

EM belongs to a general class1 of optimization algorithms using successive locally approximating auxiliary functions. For an objective function f : X → R, call g : X × X → R an auxiliary function if ∀x, x0 ∈ X : g(x, x0 ) ≥f (x) g(x, x) =f (x).

∞ Then for any x0 , define the sequence (xn )n=0 by

xn+1 = arg min g(x, xn ) x 1 For example, the Newton Rhapson method can also be stated in terms of auxiliary functions.


This sequence has a non-increasing image under f . This is easy to prove:

f (xn+1 ) ≤ g(xn+1 , xt ) ≤ g(xn , xn ) = f (xn ). This idea may be more clear graphically in figure (1). Each g(·, xt ) dominates f (·) but is equal at xt . It is easy to see why we might hope that the minimums of g would approach the minimum of f .

Figure 1: An objective function f and the auxiliary function g on two iterations Assuming f is bounded below (and it really ought to be since we are trying to find its minimum value), then f (xn )∞ is also bounded below. We have already n=0 shown that (f (xn ))∞ is monotonically decreasing and so must converge. Hown=0 ever, without more information we cannot guarantee that (xn )∞ converges, n=0 let alone that it converges to a global minimizer. In specific applications–such as EM–we can say more about convergence.



Expectation Maximization

EM uses a form of this auxiliary function idea. Specifically, for complete data x (known and unknown values), unknown values z and probability density (or mass) function f , EM approximates θ through the sequence of estimators

θn+1 = arg max{E[ (θ|x, z)|x, θn ]} θ (1)

where (θ) := ln(f (x, z|θ)). is the log-likelihood function. The function g(θ, θn ) = −E[ln(f (x, z|θ))|x, θn ] (3) (2)

is closely related2 to an auxiliary function for the likelihood function such that the sequence given by (1) gives convergence of (θn |x). A thorough discussion of convergence conditions of θn itself is available in [2] (in all our testing, the estimators appeared to converge without problems).


Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative filtering (CF) is the process of analyzing information collected from multiple agents in order to infer more information. CF techniques fall into two basic categories: • User-based: Agents that usually agree would have agreed on the missing data • Item-based: Items that multiple agents regard similarly have similar missing values
2 Details

in this relationship appear in the appendix


For example, we see item-based filtering when Amazon tracks what items are similar to one another and, at check-out, suggests items similar to the customers’ purchases. Criticker employs user-based filtering to recommend similar users’ favorite films to each-other. Other applications may call for a mixture of these strategies. In all missing data problems, it is often convenient to suppose that the lack of response from an agent is not correlated with the its response (no response bias). If this assumption is good, we call the unobserved data missing. If the fact that a data point is unobserved is significant, we will call it hidden. CF often deals with hidden rather than missing values (for example, customers are likely to use and rate primarily items they expect to like).


The Netflix Prize Dataset

In October 2004, Netflix Inc. announced a competition to design an algorithm giving better movie recommendations than Cinematch, Netflix’s own algorithm. For this purpose, Netflix released the ratings (1-5 integral stars) given by about 500,000 users for 177,000 of the films Netflix rents. Included with the data were two lists of movie/user pairs: • Probe set: A subset of the distributed dataset values. Netflix recommended training with this set: hiding the probe values from the algorithm, predicting the probe values and comparing to the actually provided values • Qualifying set: A set of movie/user pairs whose ratings were provided by the users but withheld by Netflix for testing. Competitors submitted predicted ratings for the movie/user pairs in the qualifying set. A submission would win if a randomly selected subset of these submitted ratings (when compared to the actual ratings) had a root-mean-


squared-error (RMSE) lower than .8573 (a 10% improvement over Cinematch)3 . The dataset consists of 100,480,507 ratings (integers from 1-5) with an associated pair of ID numbers identifying the user giving the rating and the movie to which the rating was assigned. Netflix’s suggested interpretation of the stars is 1. “Hated It” 2. “Didn’t Like It” 3. “Liked It” 4. “Really Liked It” 5. “Loved It” The distribution of these ratings is displayed in figure (2). Also included were the date on which each rating was given and the title and release year of each movie. Most users have not rated most of the movies, so about 99.88% of the possible 84,993,453,000 movie/user pairs have no reported values. Despite the sparsity of the data, there are still enough values to make computation difficult on a standard private processor. For this reason, we will study a random subsets of the users and movies. Figure (3) illustrates the sparsity of the subset we will focus on. However, we will also present the theory generally so anyone with the necessary computational power could analyze the entire set.



We will suppose that for each user, ratings are distributed normally. That is, for each user u, ru is a vector of ratings for different movies drawn from a
3 The competition was won in July 2009 by a three-team conglomeration with a RMSE of .8567 just 20 minutes before another team submitted predictions with the same RMSE. Because of the tie, the earlier submission won.



x 10














Figure 2: Distribution of ratings multivariate normal distribution

ru ∼ N (µ, Σ) independent of the missing data. This is item-based filtering since we are essentially holding users constant and studying the properties of the movies. This is different from supposing that each movie’s ratings have a multivariate normal distribution which would be user-based filtering. We choose to focus on item-based rather than user-based methods because 1. There are many more users than films: If correlation between users is calculated, we estimate more parameters than we have data (an ill-posed problem in general). Indeed, EM’s approximated correlation matrix will be low-rank (singular) after few iterations and EM cannot continue. We could use a subset of the data with more films than users, but this would be unrepresentative of the original data. 2. Results of item-based filtering will be easier to assess: We may be able to intuitively check the correlation matrix generated by EM if it 6














30 nz = 893




Figure 3: Dots show the 893 existing ratings for 60 users on 9000 movies. Column 30 corresponds to Something’s Gotta Give (2003): the most rated film in the subset.


represents correlations between movies: we may believe EM worked well if it predicts high correlation between movies of the same genre. We would not be able to examine a user-correlation matrix in this fashion since we have little information about the users. We have chosen this model largely for its simplicity so that we may freely demonstrate results of using EM in CF problems. Some legitimate concerns with the model as a whole are 1. We should expect strong selection bias: It is unreasonable to suppose that whether a user has seen/rated a film is independent of how well the user liked the film. It seems very likely that users would tend to see and rate films that they will enjoy. We cannot justify this assumption except to lend simplicity to the model. 2. For each movie, ratings across users appear to be normal: The reverse appears to be untrue. In fact, many users give the same rating to every movie. We have assumed the opposite for the reasons mentioned above.


Using the EM Algorithm

We now describe our prediction procedure in detail. Other than the EM update rule (which depends on our model), the process should be similar for any application. First, we removed some known ratings. We will predict these ratings based on the remaining data and compare the results to the actual values. We will report results for the probe set specifically, but considered analysis of this single set to be insufficient, so we repeated this process on many random subsets of the data.


From here on, when we refer to data, we will mean the data without the values we hid for testing purposes. We next determine which movie/user pairs (and which model parameters) it will be possible to predict. If a certain component of a multivariate normal variable has never been observed, it is impossible to make predictions about that component. In our case, if a movie has never been seen, we can make no predictions about how well it will be received (let alone by a specific person). Similarly, if a certain component has been observed only once, it is not reasonable to estimate its variance. The extreme sparsity of the data (made worse by hiding some for tests) and using only a small portion of the data may mean we cannot predict many values. In fact, out of the 60 × 9000 section selected, only 9 of the 28 values of the probe set could be predicted4 . For movies that have only received 1 rating (or all ratings of the same value) we may make the obvious predictions of its mean and rating from other users. We may even predict that its rating variance is 0, but because of the need to invert the covariance matrix, these movies should not be included in the actual algorithm. We will suppose now that all pathological users and movies have been handled separately such that all movies have received at least 2 different ratings and that all users have provided at least 1 rating. For describing the update process, it will convenient to define notation for partitions of vectors and matrices. For lists of indices

J =(j1 , j2 , . . . , jp ) K =(k1 , k2 , . . . , kq )
4 Most users and movies have more than 1 rating so nearly all the values should be predictable from the full dataset.


define  ξj1      ξj2    ξJ :=  .   .   .    ξjp   aj1 ,k1 aj1 ,k2   aj2 ,k1 aj2 ,k2  AJ,K :=  . .  . . . .   ajp ,k1 ajp ,k2   aj1 ,i      aj2 ,i    ∀i : AJ,i :=  .   .   .    ajp ,i 

··· ··· .. . ···

 aj1 ,kq   aj2 ,kq    .  . .   ajp ,kq

For each user u, define Ku as the list of indices (k1 , k2 , . . . , kp ) such that c c c c each rki ,u is known. Similarly define Ku := (k1 , k2 , . . . , kq ) as the list of indices

of ru corresponding to unknown data. Recall that we defined the ratings for each user u as a column vector ru . Let ru be the ratings for user u with the tth estimates of the missing values in place. We will call the entire rating matrix  r1,1  (t)  r  2,1 (t) . . . rn ] =  .  .  .  (t) rm,1 
(t) (t)

r1,2 r2,2 . . . rm,2
(t) (t)


··· ··· .. . ···

(t) (t) R(t) := [r1 r2

 (t) r1,n  (t)  r2,n   .  .  .   (t) rm,n

Notice that RKu ,u never depends on t since the known values are never altered, so we simply call RKu ,u the vector of known values for user u.



For our purposes, we took initial estimates of the parameters to be  µ1  (0)  µ  2 = .  .  .  (0) µm 

        


Σ(0) =Im where each µi

is the mean of known ratings for movie i and Im is the m × m

identity matrix. No arbitrary initial estimates of the the unknown ratings need be made (R(0) will be determined by µ(0) and Σ(0) ). We are now ready to describe the EM update process for our model: 1. Estimate unknown values as their expected values given known data and the current estimates µ(t) , Σ(t) . Specifically, for each user u, update estimates of unknown values of in ru by c RKu ,u =E RKu ,u |RKu ,u , µ(t) , Σ(t) c


=µKu + ΣKu ,Ku ΣKu ,Ku c c





RKu ,u − µKu



2. Obtain new estimated parameters µ(t+1) , Σ(t+1) from known data and unknown data estimated in 1:

∀i : µi


1 (t) R n u=1 i,u


(5) − µ(t+1) µ(t+1)

1 Σ(t+1) = R(t) R(t) n


3. Repeat 1-2 while resulting changes in estimated parameters are small The update (4) is simply the expected value of unknown components of a multivariate normal distribution given the known components (and their estimated 11

means and covariances). The updates (5) and (6) are the MLE estimators of µ, Σ assuming the values just estimated in (4) were actual observations.



Of the 28 probe ratings in the subset, only 9 could be predicted for reasons discussed in the previous section. The resulting RMSE is surprisingly low (low enough to have won the Netflix Prize if it could have been achieved for the qualifying set). Unfortunately, this result is not typical. To illustrate this, consider the average RMSE for when predicting the same number of randomly selected ratings: 100 trials resulted in an average RMSE more than double that of these 9 in the probe set. Another problem is the values that EM simply cannot predict. Failing to predict values is usually unacceptable. We should provide for some means of predicting the difficult values and incorporate these additional errors into the RMSE. For example, we might simply predict the overall mean rating for all the difficult ratings. This increased the RMSE to worse than Cinematch’s. The RMSE’s compared to those of significant algorithms are listed in table (1). Table 1: EM’s and Other Algorithms’ RMSE’s EM: 9 Probe Values EM: 28 Probe Values (na¨ predictions for difficult values) ıve EM: 100 Random Trials Cinematch BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos (contest winners) RMSE 0.8013 1.1241 1.7695 0.9525 0.8567

Finding significance levels of EM estimators is relatively difficult, but we might expect to be able to judge the accuracy of the correlation matrix based on its predicted correlations between films’ ratings. In the subset of films used in this study, the films with the highest predicted ratings correlation were Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (a 1964 stop-motion Christmas TV special) 12

and Carandiru (a 2003 Brazilian film about a prison in S˜o Paulo). It seems a unlikely that these films’ ratings should be so correlated since the films’ contents seem very dissimilar. Such a dissatisfying result could be a product of our admittedly unreasonable assumptions, but a direct analysis is very difficult since no user rated both films. This apparently nonsensical prediction is similar to a result found by principle component analysis (PCA). PCA finds latent effects in data by singular value decomposition (SVD), but cannot provide any interpretation of these effects. When each missing value is replaced with the average of the corresponding movie’s and user’s mean ratings, PCA predicts high similarity5 between Elmo’s World: The Street We Live On (a light-hearted, educational children’s film) and Die Hard 2 (an intense action movie). The commonality of these movies is not apparent, but is indicated by the data.

[1] Sean Borman. The expectation maximization algorithm: A short tutorial. 2004. [2] Geoffrey Mclachlan and Thriyambakam Krishnan. The EM Algorithm and Extensions. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1996.

We follow the demonstration given in [1] that maximizing (3) with respect to θ is equivalent to maximizing an auxiliary function for the log-likelihood function (2). The auxiliary function will be defined explicitly in (7). Note the necessity of the negative sign in (3) since auxiliary functions are defined for minimization.
5 based

on similar scores in the most significant effects


Now, denoting the probability measure by P: (θ) − (θn ) = ln f (x|θ) − ln f (x|θn ) = ln z f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ)dP − ln f (x|θn ) f (z|x, θn )

= ln

f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ) dP − ln(f (x|θn )) f (z|X, θn ) z f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ) dP − ln(f (x|θn )) ≥ f (z|X, θn ) ln f (z|x, θn ) z (Jensen’s inequality)

= z f (z|x, θn ) ln

f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ) f (z|x, θn )f (x|θn )


=:∆(θ|θn ) We claim that the function G(θ, θn ) := − (θn ) − ∆(θ|θn )


is an auxiliary function for − (and so helps max imize ). We have just demonstrated − (θ) ≤ G(θ, θn ). To finish proving the claim, we also need to show G(θ, θ) = − (θ) − ∆(θ|θ) = − (θ) − z f (z|x, θ) ln

f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ) f (z|x, θ)f (x|θ)


(Bayes’ Rule) = − (θ) − z f (z|x, θ) ln

f (x, z|θ) f (x, z|θ)


= − (θ) − z f (z|x, θ) ln(1)dP

= − (θ)

Minimizing (3) (as done in each iteration of EM) is equivalent to minimizing


(7) (that is, the same sequence of estimates θn is generated) because arg min G(θ, θn ) = arg min {− (θn ) − ∆(θ|θn )} θ θ

= arg min − (θn ) − θ z

f (z|x, θn ) ln

f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ) f (z|x, θn )f (x|θn )


(dropping terms that are constant with respect to θ) = arg min − θ z

f (z|x, θn ) ln(f (x|z, θ)f (z|θ))dP f (z|x, θn ) ln(f (x, z|θ))dP z = arg min − θ = arg min {−E[ln(f (x, z|θ))|x, θn ]} θ = arg min g(θ, θn ) θ 15

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Econometrics Project

...Project of Econometric Modelling © 2013 CULS in Prague I. One equation model: The following econometric model would like to analyze the impacts of consumption, interest rate and unemployment rate on Gross Domestic Product of China based on the data extracted from National Bureau of Statistics of China.(1992-2011 National Data in 1992-2011 ). 1. Economic model and econometric model 2.1. Assumption * Gross Domestic Product (GDP) depends on the following variables: * Private Consumption * Government spending * Total wage of employees * General model: GDP = f (Private Consumption, Government spending, Total wage of employees) * Dependency between variables based on economic theory: * Increase of private consumption will cause increase in GDP. * Increase of Government spending will cause increase in GDP. * Increase of Total wage will cause increase in GDP. 2.2. Economic and econometrics model * Declaration of variables Variable | Symbol | Unit | Gross Domestic Product | y1 | 100 million yuan | Unit vector | x1 | | Private Consumption | x2 | 100 million yuan | Government spending | x3 | 100 million yuan | Total wage of employees | x4 | 100 million yuan | Stochastic variable | u1t | | * Economic model: y1 = γ1+ γ2 x2 + γ3 x3 + γ4 x4 . Insert stochastic variable- u1t into economic model to form econometric model. * Econometric model: y1t...

Words: 2069 - Pages: 9

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Applied Econometrics Individual Assignment

...1. In the population model: cigsi = βo + β1educi + ui a) Interpret the coefficient β1. β1 represents the slope of the regression line and is the change in cigs associated with a unit change in educ. So for one unit increase of educ there will be β1 units increase/decrease (depending on the sign of β1) in the cigs. b) Can you predict the sign of β1 (without doing any estimation)? Explain. The sign of β1 would most probably be minus looking at the information from the surveys in the excel spreadsheet. The education value is always a positive number (educi > 0), βo is also a positive number (the intercept with y, as cigsi >=0). In this way in order for the number of cigarettes to be equal to 0, the β1 value should be negative. 2. Use the data in SMOKE.sav (see Blackboard) to estimate the model from question 1. Report the estimated equation in the usual way. Also, plot a handwritten graph of the estimated equation. cigs = 11,412 – 0,219 educ 3. Does educ explain a lot of the variation in the number of cigarettes smoked? Explain. The regression R2 is the fraction of the sample variance of cigsiexplained by (or predicted by) educi. In this example R2 equals to 0,002 and this amount is closer to 0, which means that the regressor educ is not very good at predicting the value of cigs, thus does not explain a lot of the variation in the number of cigarettes smoked. 4. Find the predicted difference in number of smoked cigarettes for two people...

Words: 372 - Pages: 2

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Nonparametric Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Econometric Models by A. Ullah

...empec, Vol. 13, 1988, page 223-249 Nonparametric Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Econometric Models By A. Ullah ~ Abstract: In this paper we systematically review and develop nonparametric estimation and testing techniques in the context of econometric models. The results are discussed under the settings of regression model and kernel estimation, although as indicated in the paper these results can go through for other econometric models and for the nearest neighbor estimation. A nontechnical survey of the asymptotic properties of kernel regression estimation is also presented. The technique described in the paper are useful for the empirical analysis of the economic relations whose true functional forms are usually unknown. 1 Introduction Consider an economic model y =R(x)+u where y is a dependent variable, x is a vector o f regressors, u is the disturbance and R(x) = E ( y l x ) . Often, in practice, the estimation o f the derivatives o f R(x)are o f interest. For example, the first derivative indicates the response coefficient (regression coefficient) o f y with respect to x, and the second derivauve indicates the curvature o f R(x). In the parametric econometrics the estimation o f these derivatives and testing 1 Aman Ullah, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, N6A 5C2, Canada. I thank L Ahmad, A. Bera, A. Pagan, C. Robinson, A. Zellner, and the participants of the workshops at the Universities of Chicago...

Words: 5119 - Pages: 21

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...YOUR ECONOMETRICS PAPER BASIC TIPS There are a couple of websites that you can browse to give you some ideas for topics and data. Think about what you want to do with this paper. Econometrics is a great tool to market when looking for jobs. A well-written econometrics paper and your presentation can be a nice addition to your resume. You are not expected to do original research here. REPLICATION of prior results is perfectly acceptable. Read Studenmund's Chapter 11. One of the most frustrating things in doing an econometrics paper is finding the data. Do not spend a lot of time on a topic before determining whether there is data available that will allow you to answer your question. It is a good idea to write down your ideal data set that would allow you to address your topic. If you find that the available data is not even close to what you had originally desired, you might want to change your topic. Also, remember that knowing the location of your data – website, reference book, etc – is not the same as having your data available to use. It may take a LONG time to get the data in a format that EVIEWS can read. Do not leave this till the last minute. For most data, I enter the data into Excel first. I save the Excel sheet in the oldest version, namely MS Excel Worksheet 2.1 . The reason is that format can be read by most programs whereas newer formats may or may not be read. Eviews easily reads an Excel sheet 2.1 version. You should use the...

Words: 2375 - Pages: 10

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Making Decisions Based on Demand and Forecasting

...AND COMMENTS TO Joy de Beyer ( and Ayda Yurekli ( World Bank, MSN G7-702 1818 H Street NW Washington DC, 20433 USA Fax : (202) 522-3234 Contents I. Introduction 1 Purpose of this Tool 1 Who Should Use this Tool 2 How to Use this Tool 2 II. Define the Objectives of the Analysis 4 The Reason for Analysis of Demand 4 The Economic Case for Demand Intervention 4 Analysis of Demand for the Policy Maker 5 Design an Analysis of Demand Study 6 Components of a Study 6 The Nature of Econometric Analysis 7 Resources Required 7 Summary 8 References and Additional Information 8 III. Conduct Background Research 9 IV. Build the Data Set 11 Choose the Variables 11 Data Availability 11 Data Types 12 Prepare the Data 13 Data Cleaning and Preliminary Examination 14 Preparing the Data Variables 14 References and Additional Information 19 V. Choose the Demand Model 20 Determine the Identification Problem 20 Test for Price Endogeneity 21 ...

Words: 36281 - Pages: 146

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Do Mind Your Mind

...Econometrics (Economics 360) Syllabus: Spring 2015 Instructor: Ben Van Kammen Office: Krannert 531 Office Hours: Friday, 10 a.m.-noon Email: Meeting Location: KRAN G010 Meeting Days/Times: TR 1:30-2:45 p.m. (001) TR 3-4:15 p.m. (002) TR 4:30-5:45 p.m. (003) Course Description This is an upper division economics course required for students pursuing a BS in economics. It is one of the few courses that explicitly covers empirical methods, i.e., the analysis of observed economic behavior in the form of data. Empirics stand in contrast to theory, e.g., micro and macro, about how agents behave. Despite this under-representation, empirical analysis comprises a large part of economists’ workload and is one of the most practical skills that an economics student can learn. Course Objectives In this class students will: 1. perform statistical and practical inference based on the results of empirical analysis, 2. identify useful characteristics of estimators, e.g., unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, 3. state predictions of theoretical economic models in terms of testable hypotheses, 4. model economic relationships using classical methods, such as Ordinary Least Squares, derive the properties of estimators related to these methods, and 5. perform estimation using methods discussed in class using software, 6. perform diagnostic tests that infer whether a model’s assumptions are invalid, 7. evaluate empirical models based on whether their resulting estimators...

Words: 2067 - Pages: 9

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...Principles of Econometrics Tips for a Term Paper Topic Your work MUST BE ORIGINAL, but the issue/model/methodology need not! Money/Macro/International Economics Common Approaches 1. Apply a model or law (e.g., Phillips curve, Okun’s law, etc.) to more recent data. 2. Extend what is known for the U.S. to other countries (emerging, developing or Eastern European). Examples: 1. Outsourcing: Do firms that outsource tend to do better? Or why they outsource? 2. Trade deficit: What causes the huge US trade deficit? 3. Twin deficits: Is there a link between the trade deficit and the government budget deficit? 4. Foreign exchange: What has caused the recent drop of the US dollar? 5. Oil shocks: Have oil shocks led to recessions in the US or elsewhere? 6. Growth: Why some countries are rich while others poor? 7. Election: What determines an election outcome? 8. Big Mac Index Finance/Management/Accounting Common Approaches 1. What affects stock performance of different firms or over time? 2. Firm performance? Some Issues 1. Any link between the economy and the stock market? 2. How does monetary policy affect the financial markets? 3. Any link between stocks and bonds? Microeconomic/Socioeconomic/Marketing Issues General Approach: Apply any theory, model or concept to firms, people or markets. Some Issues 1. What affects the demand (or price) for a product? 2. Does money buy happiness? 3. Any link between market price (or profit) and quality...

Words: 921 - Pages: 4

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Stock Market Relation

...International Conference On Applied Economics – ICOAE 2010 299 DOES STOCK MARKET DEVELOPMENT CAUSE ECONOMIC GROWTH? A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS FOR BANGLADESH ECONOMY MD. SHARIF HOSSAIN (PH. D.)1 - KHND. MD. MOSTAFA KAMAL2 Abstract In this paper the principal purpose has been made to investigate the causal relationship between stock market development and economic growth in Bangladesh. To investigate long-run causal linkages between stock market development and economic growth the Engle-Granger causality and ML tests are applied. In this paper another attempt has been made to investigate the non-stationarity in the series of stock market development and economic growth by using modern econometric techniques. The co-integrated tests are applied to know whether this pair of variables shares the same stochastic trend or not. From our analysis it has been found that the stock market development strongly influences the economic growth in Bangladesh economy, but there is no causation from economic growth to stock market development. Thus unidirectional causality has prevailed between stock market development and economic growth in the Bangladesh economy. Also it has been found that all the variables are integrated of order 1, and both the variables stock market development and economic growth share the same stochastic trend in Bangladesh economy. JEL Code: C010 Key Words: Stock Market Development, Causal Relationship, Non-stationarity, Unit Root Test, Co-integrated Tests 1 ...

Words: 5712 - Pages: 23