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Economic and Monetary Policies


Submitted By Maryrose12
Words 2166
Pages 9
Economic and Monetary Policy
Auditing and Business Concepts
Submitted by: Edmore H. Delaney

Perspective of the Economic and Monetary Policy Framework of the Republic of Liberia
This paper is intended to capture the framework of the economy and monetary policy of the Republic of Liberia and the effectiveness it pursues in the implementation its institutional framework. The economy continues to be plagued by a multiplicity of social, financial and economic challenges which has seen production level of the sector far below prewar levels (Findlay & O’Rourke, 2007). Consequently, the government’s approach has been directed towards vigorous pursuing money and credit supply to stabilize the economy.
In order for Liberia to implement a sound economic and monetary policy, the government needs to ensure that a monetary aggregate is achievable. The Central Bank of Liberia in 2005, initiated a program to ensure stability of money demand functions where interest rate and income will significantly have impact on the money demand function (Matthew, 2009). The real gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2014, which was initially projected at 5.8%, is estimated to decline to 2.5% or less by the end of the year. According to the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning due to the absence of EVD, growth projections in 2014 reflected a weaker economic outturn as compared to the previous year (2013). This growth was driven largely by the expansion in the mining sector (mainly iron ore) as well as increased activities in the construction sector spurred by both public and private investment (Dunn, 2009). According to the author rubber production and exports slowed down reflecting lower international prices and developments in the forestry sector. Growth in manufacturing continued to be constrained by inadequate social services including

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