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Submitted By Froobie96
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“As You Like It” – Scene Summaries
Act 1
Scene 2
Plot synopsis:
Rosalind is sad because of the banishment of her father, who is cheered up by Celia as they both converse about love, nature and fortune. Touchstone finds himself commenting on their conversation, hinting the corruption of the courts. Le Beau brings the news of the wrestling match between Charles and Orlando, alerting them that Charles had just fatally injured others already. Le Beau builds suspense and alarms the women and forces them to go and watch, and maybe try and stop the fight. After the court and the wrestlers gather around, we see Rosalind and Celia try to prevent Orlando not to fight Charles. Orlando isn’t worried by losing because he has nothing to lose, but Rosalind and Celia support him and he, somehow, defeats Charles. Duke Frederick is not happy to find out that Orlando is the son of the man he banished. Rosalind and Celia attend to Orlando, but for some reason, he can’t reply – possibly nervous or fatigued. He then realises that he has fallen in love will Rosalind. Le Beau chimes in to say that he should escape Duke Frederick’s wickedness and leave the courts.

Who is on stage: * Rosalind and Celia * Enters: Touchstone, then Le Beau * Enters: Duke Frederick, Lords, Orlando, Charles and Attendants * Exits: Duke Frederick, Lords, Attendants, Touchstone and Le Beau * Exits: Rosalind and Celia, and then Le Beau

Key lines: * Celia: “Tis true, for those that she makes fair she makes scarce makes honest, and for those that she makes honest she makes very ill-favouredly.” This shows nature doesn’t hand out beauty and honesty to one woman. * Touchstone: “Of a certain knight that swore, by his honour, the mustard was naught. Now, I’ll stand to it, the pancakes were naught and the mustard was good – and yet was not the knight forsworn.” Touchstone represents the corruption of the courts. * Orlando: “Orlando, my liege, the youngest son of Sir Roland de Boys”. Orlando is proud to be son of Sir Roland (sense of belonging).

Aspects of belonging: * The (possible) belonging/connection in love with Orlando and Rosalind * The belonging to family – ‘nature vs. fortune’ – what happens to you (fortune) vs what you are born into (nature)

How text creates meaning: * Orlando and Rosalind finding ‘love at first sight’
Scene 3
Plot synopsis:
Celia is still trying at cheering up Rosalind who seems love-struck by Orlando. This is interrupted by a fuming Duke Frederick. Rosalind is banished by Duke Frederick despite her objecting to her and her father being traitors. Celia protests this by threatening to be banished as well if Rosalind is, but Duke Frederick sees nothing in and only banished Rosalind because she is seen in a better light than Celia. Because of this, Celia decides to take Rosalind to the Forest of Arden to escape the corrupt courts. They dress as men to avoid being harassed and they bring Touchstone along.

Who is on stage: * Celia and Rosalind * Enters: Duke Frederick with Lords * Exits: Duke Frederick with Lords

Key lines: * Celia: “We still have slept together, rose at an instant, learned, played, eat together, and wheresoe’er we went, like Juno’s swans, still we went coupled and inseparable.” This shows their belonging to each other, their eternal love for each other that can’t be separated * Duke Frederick: “Thou art thy father’s daughter, there’s enough” This shows that Rosalind’s belonging to her family, specifically her father, is seen as a connection enough to carry the same wrong as him

Aspects of belonging: * Rosalind’s belonging to her family has been seen to have value, in a negative way as it grouped it with her father * Rosalind and Celia’s friendship has been shown to have a lot of importance to the, a stronger connection than Celia and her father, as she chose to leave with Rosalind than to stay with her father

How text creates meaning: * When your circumstances are unsatisfactory, you can escape them to live better somewhere else (Forest of Arden)

Act 2
Scene 1
Plot synopsis: * Duke Senior talks about Forest life vs. life in the corrupt courts and believes life is better in the Forest of Arden. He even thinks the downsides aren’t that bad and that you can learn something new every day. The first Lord reinforces this, as he talks of how Jaques gained moral meaning about society from observing a wounded deer.

Who is on stage: * Duke Senior, Amiens and two or three Lords dressed as foresters

Key lines: * Duke Senior: “Are not these woods more free from peril than the envious courts?” This juxtaposes the life in the Forest vs. life in the courts * Duke Senior: “Sweet are the uses of adversity which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a precious jewel in his head, and this our life exempt from public taunt finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.” This shows that you can make the best of your situation no matter what the circumstances

Aspects of belonging: * Duke Senior stick with his people, stronger than the courts

How text creates meaning: * Duke Senior is quite civilised, irrespective of his raggedness

Scene 2
Plot synopsis:
Duke Frederick is furious that Rosalind and Celia have escaped, along with Touchstone ‘missing’. He wants either Oliver or Orlando to be taken to him, and the women captured.

Who is on stage: * Duke Frederick with Lords

Key lines: * (no key lines)

Aspects of belonging: * Duke Frederick hasn’t currently got a sense of belonging because his county is losing connection between people and he is losing connection between his people

How text created meaning * Reinforcement of belonging between people and lack of because of lack of communication and compassion ??

Scene 3
Plot synopsis:
Adam complains that Orlando’s personality has lowered others thought of him in the courts. He reveals to the audience, Oliver’s plan to kill Orlando so he tells him to flee. This isn’t taken with any agreement by Orlando as he would rather face his brother than run away and become a beggar. Adam offers Orlando his services as a servant, along with his life savings which is hesitantly accepted by Orlando as Adam is quite old (80 years old).

Key lines: * Adam: “The constant service of the antique world, when service sweat for duty not for meed. Thou art not for the fashion of these times where none will sweat but for promotion” Reinforces the corruption of the courts, that people won’t do good things for the greater good, only to be noticed for it

Aspects of belonging: * Adam leaves his place of belonging for more than 60 years but has found new belonging in acting as Orlando’s servant * Oliver’s plan to kill Orlando sees a weak bond between brothers, which shows a lack of family belonging

How text creates meaning: * The tension between Orlando in suspense of the awaiting confrontation is felt

Scene 4
Plot synopsis:
Rosalind, Celia and Touchstone finally reach the Forest of Arden. They come across a shepherd, Silvius, who we learn has an unmatched love for a someone (Phebe), and how extreme her behaviour is. Rosalind agrees, but Touchstone tells of contrasting memories of how absurd he know lovers’ behaviour as. Corin, another shepherd, informs Rosalind of a nearby property for sale and offers to buy the sheep farm with the women’s money.

Who is on stage: * Rosalind (as Ganymede), Celia (as Aliena), and Touchstone (in motley) * Enters: Corin and Silvius

Key lines: * Rosalind: “ Well, this is the Forest of Arden.” This can be interpreted as her expecting more of the Forest at first sight * Celia: “I like this place and willingly could waste my time in it.” Shows that Celia now feels a sense of belonging to the Forest of Arden, but can see nothing purposeful will be achieved * Rosalind: “Thou speak’st wiser than thou art ware of” This shows that Rosalind sees Touchstone as a wiser person than she thought he was or than he gets noticed for

Aspects of belonging: * The connectedness of the Forest life * Celia’s growing fondness with the Forest of Arden

How text creates meaning: * Some people’s love can’t be understood by others as they aren’t in the same situation – this also represents the foolishness of the behaviours of those in love

Scene 5
Plot synopsis:
Amiens sings about life in the Forest. Jaques pleads for Amiens to continue as he wants to be more melancholy through the music. In Jaques sad mood, he complains about the singing, people’s politeness and Duke Senior. The exiled people of the court sing as well, about leaving the court and now living simply in the country-side. When Jaques sings, he pokes fun at the exiled courtiers’ song, saying that they’re fools.

Who is on stage: * Amiens, Jaques and other Lords dressed as foresters

Key lines: * Jaques: “I can suck melancholy out of a song as weasel sucks eggs.” Shows his negativity about everything, even a positive, nice song

Aspects of belonging: * Jaques is apparently a part of the group but doesn’t particularly want to be grouped with them, as he called them fools

How text creates meaning: * The lack of purpose in the Forest is emphasised by singing and unnecessary complaints

Scene 6
Plot synopsis:
Adam is wandering with Orlando in the Forest, scared that he is going to die, where Orlando comforts him and tries to find food and shelter for him

Who is on stage: * Adam and Orlando

Key lines: * “Why, how now, Adam, no greater heart in thee? Live a little, comfort a little, cheer thyself a little.” This shows that Orlando cares about Adam which shows belonging between the two

Aspects of belonging: * Loyalty of Adam shows the belonging between Adam and Orlando

How text creates meaning: * It shows how much Orlando cares for Adam, and how he values his loyalty

Scene 7
Duke Senior is surprised at Jaques out-of-character cheerfulness. Jaques recounts how he enjoyed meeting Touchstone and listening to his moralising. He praises Touchstone, and wishes he were a fool, so that he could criticise whoever he wishes. Jaques claims that people hurt by clever criticism should acknowledge the humour. He wants to cleanse the world with his satire, but the Duke accuses him of hypocrisy, Jaques defends himself against the charge. Orlando’s threats are met with kindly words from the Duke and scepticism by Jaques. Surprised by the Duke’s invitation to eat, Orlando explains his menacing behaviour, asks for pity and is granted hospitality. Orlando leaves to fetch Adam. The Duke’s comment that the world presents many sad scenes inspires Jaques to describe the seven ages of man. Duke Senior invites Adam to eat. He calls for music. Amiens song tells that nature, though harsh, is not so cruel as human ungratefulness; that most friendship is merely pretence, and most love, foolishness. Duke Senior sees in Orlando’s face the likeness of his old friend Sir Roland de Boys. He proposes that Orlando tells him the rest of his story later.

Who is on stage: * Duke Senior, Amiens and the Lords dressed as outlaws * Enters: Jaques * Enters: Orlando * Exits: Orlando * Enters: Orlando with Adam (on his back)

Key lines: * Jaques: “ As I do live by food, I met a fool, who laid him down and basked him in the sun, and railed on Lady Fortune in good terms, in good set terms, and yet a motley fool. ’Good morrow, fool,’ quoth I. ‘No, sir,’ quoth he, ’Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune.’ And then he drew a dial from his poke, and looking on it with lack-lustre eye says very wisely ‘It is ten o’clock.’ ’Thus we may see’, quoth he, ‘how the world wags. ’Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, and after one hour more ‘twill be eleven. And so from hour to hour we ripe and ripe, and then from hour to hour we rot and rot; and thereby hangs a tale.’ ” Jaques shows an uncharacteristic burst of delight.

Aspects of belonging: * The seven stages of life are outlined by Jaques: infant, whining schoolboy, the lover, the soldier, the justice, the pantaloons and second childishness/ mere oblivion This shows that people can belong to a certain stage in life

How text creates meaning: * Appearance vs. reality comes into play in this scene This is shown in that the foresters aren’t savages

Act 3
Scene 1
Plot synopsis:
Duke Frederick threatens Oliver and order him to capture Orlando dead or alive.

Who is on stage: * Duke Frederick, Lords and Oliver

Key lines:
Oliver: “I never loved my brother in life.” Along with Duke Frederick calling Orlando more villainous than Oliver, this reinforces family conflict

Aspects of belonging: * The lack of belonging, or connection between Oliver and his brother Orlando

How text creates meaning: * The reinforcement of family conflict due to the corrupt behaviours of the court

Scene 2
Plot synopsis:
Orlando hangs his love poems to Rosalind on tress and praises her.

Who is on stage: * Orlando

Key lines: * (no key lines)

Aspects of belonging: * Orlando expresses his true love for Rosalind

How text creates meaning: * Orlando’s growing love for Rosalind, which sets up Rosalind to mock his poems in the next scene

Scene 3
Plot synopsis:
Touchstone, using clever-sounding language, says that he likes and dislikes country life. Corin replies in the same empty manner. Touchstone claims Corin is damned for not having been at court. Corin argues that to adopt court behaviour in the country would be foolish. Touchstone mocks the example Corin gives. Corin expresses his contentment with country life, but Touchstone remains cynical. Rosalind reads Orlando’s poem in praise of her beauty. Touchstone composes a parody of them poem, full of sexual innuendo. Rosalind’s reply puns jokingly at Touchstone’s expense. Celia reads Orlando’s poem, which tells of brevity of human life and of broken promises, but is mainly about how Rosalind embodies all beauty and grace. Rosalind calls it a boring sermon. Rosalind and Celia joke about the lack of skill in the poems. Celia expresses amazement that Rosalind cannot guess who has written the verses. Rosalind begs to be told the poet’s name. Celia reveals that Orlando wrote the poems. Rosalind’s first thought is of her disguise as a man. She asks many eager questions and keeps interrupting Celia’s story. They hide from Orlando and Jaques. Jaques and Orlando engage in a verbal fencing match, with Jaques criticising love. Orlando refuses to join Jaques in rebuking the world. They part, each mocking the other’s folly: love and melancholy. Rosalind, using her disguise as a young man, playfully tells Orlando how time moves at different speeds for different people. He expresses surprise at her refined accent. Rosalind says she was taught to speak by a well-educated uncle who also taught her the folly of love. She accuses Orlando of not looking like a man in love. Rosalind tells how, as Ganymede, she once cured a lover by pretending to be his love and behaving capriciously. This drove the lover insane, and he became a monk. Orlando agrees to follow her cure.

Who is on stage: * Corin and Touchstone * Enters: Rosalind (as Ganymede) * Enters: Celia (as Aliena) * Exits: Corin and Touchstone * Enters: Orlando and Jaques * Exits: Jaques

Key lines: * Rosalind: “Alas the day, what shall I do with my doublet and hose? What did he when thou saw’st him? What said he? How looked he? Wherin went he? What makes he here? Did he ask for me? Where he remains? How parted he with thee? And when shalt thou see him again? Answer me in one word.” This shows that Rosalind cares about Orlando and what he thinks of her because she loves him too. This shows a sense of belonging as we see both characters fall for each other at separate times

Aspects of belonging: * The lack of belonging as Jaques struggles to find his place throughout the whole play * Rosalind and Orlando’s love for each other – Rosalind knows Orlando’s lover for her but not vice-versa

How text creates meaning: * In the Forest, it is a small world as every character’s events seem to overlap and intersect with each other’s
Scene 4
Plot synopsis:
Touchstone’s literary jokes are lost on Audrey, although they amuse Jaques. Touchstone reflects that lovers and poets are both given to deception. He says he intends to marry Audrey. Touchstone implies that all women are unfaithful, but says it is better to be a married man than a bachelor. Jaques warns against Sir Oliver, but Touchstone sees advantages in a bad priest. Touchstone’s song mocks Sir Oliver, who claims he is not put off by such foolery.

Who is on stage: * Touchstone, Audrey and Jaques * Enters: Sir Oliver Martext

Key lines: * Audrey: “I am not a slut, though I thank the gods I am foul.” This shows Audrey defending herself, not labelling herself ugly, but ‘hand-written’ or hand-corrected’.

Aspects of belonging: * Sir Oliver’s nature is changing, possibly because he is away from the corrupt world of the court

How text creates meaning: * Touchstone says that every women will be unfaithful but it is better to be married instead of not

Scene 5
Plot synopsis:
Celia makes fun of Rosalind’s distress over Orlando’s non-appearance. Celia doubts whether Orlando is truly in love. Rosalind recounts how she met her father, Duke Senior, who failed to recognise her. Corin invites them to watch Silvius attempting to woo Phebe.

Who is on stage: * Rosalind (as Ganymede) and Celia (as Aliena) * Enters: Corin

Key lines: * (no key lines)

Aspects of belonging: * Celia puts doubt in Rosalind’s mind about Orlando and his feelings for her, which may make Rosalind feel like she has lost some belonging, temporarily

How text creates meaning: * The jealousy of Celia has the potential to trouble the connection Orlando and Rosalind

Scene 6
Plot synopsis:
Silvius begs Phebe to show him some kindness. She mocks the notion that her look might kill him. He warns that she might one day feel the pangs of love. Rosalind rebukes Phebe for having no pity for Silvius, and criticises her looks and marriage prospects. Rosalind also censures Silvius for loving Phebe. But Phebe falls in love with the disguised Rosalind. Rosalind rejects Phebe and tells her to be kinder to Silvius. Phebe acknowledges she loves Ganymede and proposes to use Silvius as a go-between. Silvius is grateful for anything from Phebe. Phebe’s detailed description of Ganymede shows how much she loves him. But she denies that she does, and says she will write a taunting letter that Silvius will deliver.

Who is on stage: * Silvius and Phebe * Enters: Rosalind (as Ganymede), Celia (as Aliena) and Corin

Key lines: * Rosalind: “I play you do not fall in love with me for I am falser than vows made in wine.” This is Rosalind as Ganymede, trying to stop Phebe from falling in love with her because Ganymede isn’t really a man

Aspects of belonging: * Phebe has found some belonging as she has fallen in love with Ganymede

How text creates meaning: * The fact that (in Shakespearian times) a man dressed up as woman to play Rosalind, is dressed as a man to play Ganymede who has a woman fallen in love with ‘him’ when another man is in love with her would be humorous in those times

Act 4
Scene 1
Plot synopsis:
Rosalind says that extremes of both melancholy and merriness are detestable Jaques claims his melancholy is more complex than anyone else’s. Rosalind mocks his pretentiousness. She ignores Orlando. Rosalind berates Orlando for his lateness, and doubts whether he is truly in love. She jokes about deceived husbands, and then demands Orlando woo her and tease him about tongue-tied lovers. Orlando claims that he will die for love. Rosalind lampoons his claim, telling of famous lovers who died – but not for love. She asks Celia to act as priest and marry her to Orlando. Rosalind jokes at her own forwardness, then comments on how time sours marriages. She warns of her future giddy behaviour and hints that wives and husbands are unfaithful. She criticises Orlando’s proposed absence. Rosalind warns Orlando not to be late. Celia rebukes Rosalind for her criticism of women, but Rosalind declares she is immeasurably deeply in love. Celia remains sceptical.

Who is on stage: * Rosalind (Ganymede) and Celia (Aliena) * Enters: Orlando

Key lines: * Rosalind: “Men are April when they woo, December when they wed: maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.”

Aspects of belonging: * Celia’s jealousy of Rosalind and Orlando’s love

How text creates meaning: * Rosalind is unsure if Orlando truly loves her and is good enough for her so she tests his love while she is Ganymede

Scene 2
Plot synopsis:
Jaques proposes that the lord who killed the deer be presented in triumph to Duke Senior. The lords’ song claims that it is man’s destiny to be a cuckold.

Who is on stage: * Jaques, the Lords and foresters

Key lines: * Jaques: “The horn, the horn, the lusty horn is not a thing to laugh to scorn.”

Aspects of belonging: * The foresters have belonging as they belong to the Dukes, like the deer to the forest

How text creates meaning: *

Scene 3
Plot synopsis:
Celia mocks Rosalind’s impatience that Orlando is late. Silvius says that Phebe’s letter contains an angry message. Rosalind seems annoyed and criticises Phebe. Rosalind claims that Phebe’s letter is full of insults. But when she reads the letter, it reveals that Phebe is passionately in love with Ganymede and wants him to send a secret reply by Silvius. Rosalind rebukes Silvius for being made so feeble by love. Oliver recognises Celia (Aliena) and (Rosalind) Ganymede by their description, and beings a bloody handkerchief from Orlando. He begins his story. Oliver relates how Orlando saw an unkempt sleeping man threatened by a snake and lion. Orlando recognised the man as his brother, and killed the lion. Oliver reveals he was the sleeping man. Oliver relates how Orlando fainted, then recovered and sent Oliver with the bloodstained handkerchief to Rosalind. She faints, recovers and pretends her swooning is pretence.

Who is on stage: * Rosalind (as Ganymede) and Celia (as Aliena) * Enters: Slivius * Enters: Oliver

Key lines: *

Aspects of belonging: * Celia doesn’t belong like the Orlando, Rosalind, Phebe and Silvius

How text creates meaning: *

Act 5
Scene 1
Plot synopsis:
Audrey regrets that Sir Oliver Martext did not marry her to Touchstone. She denies that William has any claim on her. William enters, and Touchstone begins to mock him. Touchstone bamboozles William with impressive-sounding but empty language. He says he, not William, must marry Audrey, and threatens William with all kinds of punishments.

Who is on stage: * Touchstone and Audrey * Enters: William * Enters: Corin

Key lines: *

Aspects of belonging: * Touchstone and Audrey find their belonging and connection to each other

How text creates meaning: *

Scene 2
Plot synopsis:
Oliver confirms that he instantly fell in love with Celia. He promises to give Orlando all his inheritance. Rosalind describes how Oliver and Celia fell in love at first sight and now long for marriage. Orlando says that Oliver’s joy at marriage will match his own sadness in not having Rosalind. She claims special powers, and promises he will marry her tomorrow. Phebe complains about Rosalind’s unkind action. As Silvius speaks his litany of what it is to love. Phebe, Orlando and Rosalind echo and endorse his feelings. Rosalind gives orders for them all to meet tomorrow, when their desires will be fulfilled.

Who is on stage: * Orlando and Oliver * Enters: Rosalind (as Ganymede) * Enters: Silvius and Phebe

Key lines: *

Aspects of belonging: *

How text creates meaning: *

Scene 3
Plot synopsis:
Touchstone and Audrey look forward to their marriage. The two pages sing of springtime as the time for young lovers even though life is brief. The pages sing of enjoying the present moment. Touchstone is unimpressed by their singing.

Who is on stage: * Touchstone and Audrey

Key lines: *

Aspects of belonging: *

How text creates meaning: *

Scene 4
Plot synopsis:
Orlando is unsure if Ganymede can deliver his promises. Rosalind makes the duke and Orlando confirm their agreements. Rosalind promises to fulfil every character’s wishes. Duke Senior and Orlando remark on Ganymede’s resemblance to Rosalind. Touchstone boasts of his skills as a courtier. Touchstone declares that he too wishes to be married, because Audrey’s roughness conceals inner virtues. He lists the sequence of insults that lead up to a duel, explaining how to avoid it. Duke Senior praises Touchstone. Hymen enters with Rosalind and Celia (undisguised) and asks the duke to receive his daughter. Rosalind promises to be Orlando’s wife. Hymen ordains four marriages. After the song celebrating marriage and fertility, Phebe accepts Silvius. Jaques de Boys brings news of Duke Frederick’s conversion and penitence. Duke Senior order revelry. Jaques resolves to join Duke Frederick. He predicts honour and success to all except Touchstone, and declines to join to celebrations. Rosalind asks the audience to approve the play with their applause.

Who is on stage: * Duke Senior, Amiens, Jaques, Orlando, Oliver and Celia (as Aliena) * Enters: Rosalind (as Ganymede), Silvius and Phebe * Enters: Touchstone and Audrey * Enters: Hymen, Rosalind and Celia * Enters: Jaques

Key lines: *

Aspects of belonging: *

How text creates meaning: *

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...Anyone who reads Old and Middle English literary texts will be familiar with the mid-brown volumes of the EETS, with the symbol of Alfred's jewel embossed on the front cover. Most of the works attributed to King Alfred or to Aelfric, along with some of those by bishop Wulfstan and much anonymous prose and verse from the pre-Conquest period, are to be found within the Society's three series; all of the surviving medieval drama, most of the Middle English romances, much religious and secular prose and verse including the English works of John Gower, Thomas Hoccleve and most of Caxton's prints all find their place in the publications. Without EETS editions, study of medieval English texts would hardly be possible. As its name states, EETS was begun as a 'club', and it retains certain features of that even now. It has no physical location, or even office, no paid staff or editors, but books in the Original Series are published in the first place to satisfy subscriptions paid by individuals or institutions. This means that there is need for a regular sequence of new editions, normally one or two per year; achieving that sequence can pose problems for the Editorial Secretary, who may have too few or too many texts ready for publication at any one time. Details on a separate sheet explain how individual (but not institutional) members can choose to take certain back volumes in place of the newly published volumes against their subscriptions. On the same sheet are given details about...

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...Pronunciation Schwa Schwa is the most common sound in the English language. It occurs only in unstressed syllables and getting it correct helps spoken English to sound more natural and fluent. Any vowel letter can be pronounced as schwa and the pronunciation of a vowel letter can change depending on whether the syllable in which it occurs is stressed or not. The phonemic symbol for schwa is: /e/ Following are two exercises to help students develop their awareness of schwa. The audio examples from the exercises can be downloaded from Pronunciation Schwa Exercise 1 Look at the words below and decide where in the word the schwa sound occurs. Underline and/or write the schwa symbol over the correct part of the word. The first one has been done for you. Hint: One word has two examples of schwa. All the others have only one. docto r banana difficult to mo rro w s u mme r le ve l prote ct survive pupil the atre me a s u re w izard Pronunciation Schwa © BBC Learning English Pronunciation Schwa Exercise 2 In this exercise, look at these sentences and decide where the schwa sound occurs. It may occur more than once in each sentence. The minimum number of schwas in a sentence is 1, the maximum 7. 1. It’s for y ou /e/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It tak es a lot of time How about a cup of tea? What are y ou doing tonight? What time will y ou arriv e at V ictoria? I was going...

Words: 529 - Pages: 3

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...Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking LỜI NÓI ĐẦU Chào các bạn, xuất phát từ nhu cầu bản thân muốn học môn speaking cho bài thi tiếng anh IELTS, chúng tôi nhận thấy cuốn sách này có giá trị rất tốt cho việc tham khảo. Tuy nhiên, các bản sách điện tử đang tràn lan trên mạng Internet hiện nay có chất lượng rất thấp, kèm theo đó là việc có thêm tiếng Trung dẫn tới lãng phí về giấy in, tiền bạc, thời gian. Hiện nay, cuốn này này đã được một nhà xuất bản tại Việt Nam mua lại bản quyền từ tác giả Mat Clark, và đã xuất bản tại Việt Nam, chúng tôi khuyên các bạn nên mua cuốn sách này để sử dụng, nhằm tôn trọng giá trị của cuốn sách này, cũng như tôn trọng tác quyền của tác giả cũng như nhà xuất bản. Chúng tôi gõ lại cuốn sách này nhằm mục đích duy nhất là để học tập, nghiên cứu, không hề mang bất cứ mục đích kinh doanh nào. Mọi hành động thương mại liên quan tới bản gõ lại này là không hề liên quan tới chúng tôi. Mong các bạn tôn trọng tác giả và tôn trọng ý muốn của chúng tôi. Trong quá trình gõ và biên tập, do trình độ không chuyên, không thể tránh khỏi có sai sót. Xin cảm ơn, chúc các bạn học tốt. 1 Mat Clark – IELTS Speaking IELTS SPEAKING – MAT CLARK Preface During my 5 years as an IELTS examiner in China, I have seen thousands of Chinese IELTS candidates perform OK in the speaking interview. Most people would agree that an OK score in speaking is 5 or 6. Many students now realize that a score of 5 or 6 for speaking is not enough for their study requirements...

Words: 50246 - Pages: 201

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...JEJEMON research paper by John Andrew Samonte * by diyubaku, Oct 10, 2010, 10:42:48 PM * Journals / Personal iii Table of Contents Title Page............................................................................................i Acknowledgement......................................................................ii Table of Contens......................................................................................iii Chapter I....................................................................................1 Introduction and Background of the story.........................1 Significance of the Study..................................................3 Scope and Limitations......................................................5 Chapter II................................................................................... Research Problem.................................................................................8 Effects..................................................................................................10                                                                                                                                                                          ii Acknowledgement  “You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; in just the same way, you learn to love by loving.” I  would  like  to  express my sincerest thanks to those special persons  who  made  my  life  so meaningful...

Words: 4253 - Pages: 18

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The Importance Of English In English

...survey with a questionnaire divided into two sections, first one is for the English teachers and another one is for the students, it's...

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...I Acknowledgement For many of us, the state of education in a country speaks volumes. Where English is spoken and taught as a second language, fluency is deemed a basic requirement for proper communication and propagation of ideas and connotes success. Does this fluency actually translate to a country's economic success and overall standing in the world of nations? The reason why we came up with this topic is to test the capability of a certain number of people when it comes to proficiency in English, not just to test but to give some idea what is the importance of being proficient in English and how can it help us. English language is and has always been one of the most popular languages spoken, written & followed all over the globe. No matter in which part of the world you choose to go, command over this language enables you to communicate with others regardless of what their national language would be. Therefore it becomes not only important but compulsory to master this art & implement it in the real life. This course is designed to clear concepts, renew basics and to professionally prepare you for real life communication at all levels. · Background of the study English has been considered as international language and also for studying use English as official language. Proficiency in English includes capability to read and understand the language and the way words are pronounced as well as the sense in which word are used (though variations in usage is identified...

Words: 2221 - Pages: 9

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...English as Official Language of United States of America The English language is originated from the Germanic tribes language, which has its roots from England in the form of Old English also known as Anglo-Saxon and has evolved into todays Modern English as we know it. English has become one of the most spoken languages in world, and is ranked as the second most spoken language. English should be the official language of the United States of America. Considered as an international language, it is the most learned and studied language throughout the world. United States laws prohibit the use of any other languages other then English on military installation or in Department of Defense buildings when conducting official business. These are just two reason of why I believe English should be the official language of the United States. In the United States, there are approximately 300 languages other than English that are spoken at home. English should be made the official language of the United States because it will knock down the language barriers for immigrants and they will be more likely to prosper in this nation, even though this may be a difficult process to accomplish at first, for many poor immigrants. In New York City, New York there are approximately thirty-five household languages other then English. If each of these subcultures of New York City have no common language, then it would create over thirty-five separate cities unable to prosper as one. Being required...

Words: 802 - Pages: 4

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...English y the largest language by number of words; the Oxford English Dictionary lists 500,000 words, not including technical and scientific terms.[18][19] Contents [hide] * 1 Significance * 2 History * 3 Classification and related languages * 4 Geographical distribution * 4.1 Countries in order of total speakers * 4.2 Countries where English is a major language * 4.3 English as a global language * 4.4 Dialects and regional varieties * 4.5 Constructed varieties of English * 5 Phonology * 5.1 Vowels * 5.1.1 Notes * 5.2 Consonants * 5.2.1 Notes * 5.2.2 Voicing and aspiration * 5.3 Supra-segmental features * 5.3.1 Tone groups * 5.3.2 Characteristics of intonation—stress * 6 Grammar * 7 Vocabulary * 7.1 Number of words in English * 7.2 Word origins * 7.2.1 Dutch and Low German origins * 7.2.2 French origins * 8 Writing system * 8.1 Basic sound-letter correspondence * 8.2 Written accents * 9 Formal written English * 10 Basic and simplified versions * 11 See also * 12 References * 12.1 Notes * 12.2 Bibliography * 13 External links | [edit] Significance See also: English-speaking world and Anglosphere Modern English, sometimes described as the first global lingua franca,[20][21] is the dominant...

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...English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now a global lingua franca.[4][5] It is spoken as a first language by the majority populations of several sovereign states, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean nations; and it is an official language of almost 60 sovereign states. It is the third-most-common native language in the world, after Mandarin Chinese and Spanish.[6] It is widely learned as a second language and is an official language of the European Union, many Commonwealth countries and the United Nations, as well as in many world organisations. English arose in the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of England and what is now southeast Scotland. Following the extensive influence of England, Great Britain, and the United Kingdom from the 17th to mid-20th centuries through the British Empire, it has been widely propagated around the world.[7][8][9][10] Through the spread of American-dominated media and technology,[11] English has become the leading language of international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions.[12][13] Historically, English originated from the fusion of closely related dialects, now collectively termed Old English, which were brought to the eastern coast of Great Britain by Germanic settlers (Anglo-Saxons) by the 5th century; the word English is simply the modern spelling of englisc, the name of the Angles[14] and Saxons for their...

Words: 497 - Pages: 2

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...Should English be made the official language of India? Well, although English is a global language and it has somewhat become necessary to know English if one has to be successful globally, still making it our country’s official language makes little sense to me. If the whole point of changing our official language is related to the growth and success of our nation then China and its growth should make no sense to the world. The leader in BRIC nations and the nation considered next ‘SUPERPOWER’ after America doesn’t have English as their official language. They are doing great with mandarin and have very less people speaking English there. When their language is not posing a hindrance to their growth, when their GDP rate is going pretty well, when they are not thinking for changing their official language but are rather putting their heads into bigger constructive discussions then why should we? Globalization has brought the world closer and therefore to know and have tolerance for different cultures and languages is absolutely great but to forget and bring a change in our own heritage is something that according to me should not be acceptable. It’s fantastic to know English and get education in the same medium. Surely, it enhances our people to be recognized globally. It may bring them confidence and it may also aid to their growth in personality, but to look down upon one’s own culture and language is like looking down upon your parents when they are old and they need help...

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