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Environmental Assessment - Environment - European Commission


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Environmental Assessment - Environment - European Commission

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A study to develop and implement an overall strategy for EIA/SEA research in the EU Summary
This publication (ISBN 92-828-3568-5) can be ordered through EUR-OP’s sales network 1. This Study has been undertaken by the EC Joint Research Centre Ispra for the EC Environment DG , Brussels. The aim of the Study is to propose a scheme to develop and implement an overall strategy for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) research in the European Union. The proposals are based on deficiencies and research needs identified through literature survey, with emphasis on the findings of four selected key documents, and through the analysis of the responses to a questionnaire prepared by the authors of this Study and filled in by acknowledged EIA/SEA experts. The proposals reflect the authors' subjective interpretation of the findings of the analysis undertaken; different proposals could be formulated starting from different points of view. 2. Six EIA areas and four SEA areas have been selected as priority areas for research. The selected areas are intended to form a "research priority group"; at this stage they are all considered of equal priority. They are listed below following the order of the questionnaire structure: Environmental indicators for EIA Prediction of impacts in EIA Monitoring in EIA Public participation in EIA Influence of the quality of the EIS and other components of the EIA process on the decision by the competent authority. Integration of EIA and socio-economic appraisal in the overall appraisal of the project Methods to predict the impacts of PPPs

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