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Environmental Education in High-School


Submitted By MariaTati
Words 438
Pages 2
5 February

Environmental Education in High-school “Take care of the Earth and she will take care of you” (Unknown). It means that people must take care of environment, and the Earth will save a lot of resources for us. However, people do not know how they can save environmental resources because they do not know about environmental situation in the world. Students always surprised when they read about ecological disasters or some statistics from this knowledge’s area. Why? Because school must teach environmental awareness. Environmental education should be compulsory for high-schools, because schools must give all basic knowledge, environmental resources are finishing, student will become to professional in this area.
High-schools have a responsibility to teach about current issues. Environment is one of the most important parts of the World, but most of the people do not study this subject. We have a lot of less important subjects. Many students would like to study it. This subject will give students information about environment. It will help us to understand that taking care of the Earth is very important. In fact, schools have a have a great impact on the student’s minds.
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Secondly, ecological problems will have global result. Everyone on the Earth must think about it. Human’s irresponsibility is the most important cause. People do not have enough information about environment. They use resources without thinking about it. They make a lot of bad things, but they do not understand it. Also, schools can give this information, can explain, how we can save the world. We are not the last people on the Earth, we must save our planet for children. School must teach people to think about ecological issues. Students must know about these issues and ways how to improve it.
A lot of people think that environmental awareness should not be compulsory for high-schools because the professionals need to solve these problems, not students. However, students will be great professional in solutions of problems. Everyone will help to save environment. A lot of good professionals in every area of awareness were interested in their work in school. School’s teachers and subjects give interests to students, who became the professionals. If we have this subject in school, some students will be interested in saving the environment.
Students will know about environmental situation, have basic knowledge and become professionals. These points will help us to save environment. Now everyone understands how important it is to learn environmental awareness in high-schools, because it will change all environmental situation. Take care of the Earth and she will take care of you.

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