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Submitted By katrinang91
Words 442
Pages 2
Agriculture: Overcropping: Theres huge amount of food to feed up people all over the World and Mining:
Poaching: Rhino’s horn is used in Chinese medicine, they often kill the huge rhino to just get this horn -.-

Invasive species: Australia has some of the world's most distinctive and diverse natural environments, with unique wildlife, and spectacular landscapes, including many national parks and World Heritage Areas.But there r so many species are extinct bcs of Feral cat. Feral cats kill tens of millions of native animals every night and are found across Australia, Each feral cat kills between 5-30 animals per day. While they appear to prefer small mammals, they also eat birds, reptiles and amphibians.

What government do to preserved biodiversity?
There are several ways the governments can do to preserve biodiversity, such as: Protecting Areas | | Creating protected areas where human activity is limited is the best way to prevent deforestation and exploitation of organisms and the resources they need to survive. In order to truly make a difference, much planning needs to go into the creation of a protected area. It needs to consider all elements of the ecosystem it is trying to protect, so that it isn’t too small. It needs to include all resources that are utilized by its inhabitants; for example, leaving out a stream where half of the mammals go to drink would not make a protected area very effective. | | | Preventing Species Introductions | | It is often much easier and less expensive to prevent a problem from developing in the first place than to try to fix it once it occurs. This is the case with invasive species, which can wreak havoc when introduced to ecosystems that aren’t prepared to deal with them. Many governments prohibit bringing foreign plants and animals into their countries without authorization; some even go so far as to disinfect landing planes and the shoe-bottoms of people on them. | | | Informing / Educating | | Education is a powerful tool, and the more people know about biodiversity loss, the more they will be prepared to help slow it. Spreading the word about detrimental human effects on plants and animals can encourage people to change their ways and effect changes to preserve biodiversity. | | |
Quarantine Law
There are many challenges the governments need to face in order to preserved biodiversity. For example: with poachers, when u catch them u cant hang em, u cant shoot em in the head. U put them in jail and when they r free, they become a poacher again.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair and Resell

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