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Erikson's Stages Of Psychosocial Development

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If we use Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development we can see where Pat early physical delay impacted her socioemotional progress, which have unable her to form proper attachment to people in her life. Through the first stage of development, infancy (to 1 year), Pat didn’t obtain the consistent, predictable and reliable support from her parents. “Infants avoid attachment or show insecure attachment, marked either by anxiety or avoidance of trusting relationship,” (Myers, D. G., 2014 p. 140). Therefore, Pat developed a sense of mistrust of the adults in her life. By the second stage, toddlerhood (1to 3 years), Pat wasn’t able to develop physically, since she had a difficulties with the mobility of her legs. She would be unable to assert …show more content…
Gopnik et al., 2015 noted, “Preschoolers think like little scientists.” (Myers, D. G., 2014 p. 131) Therefore, Pat should be curious about her surrounds, asking questions and initiate relationships through play. However, due to Pat’s delay in her mobility, her reliance on her parents and lock of independence, lead her to feel guilt and withdraw from others. Elementary school (6 year to puberty), Pat would be in school and developing relationships and building on her self-esteem. However, Pat’s environment changed due her family moving to New York City, her father leaving the family after a few months and her mother working, which add to a Pat’s lock of control in her life and her feeling of shame, guilt and trust would manifest further. Pat’s school life would as well be affected, example, her academics, physical play (caused by early physical delay) and her relationship with trust of adults, would hinder her from forming relationships with her teachers and peers. As a result, Pat would feel inferior in her abilities to form relationships, compete in physical task and achieving …show more content…
However, Pat’s struggles in peer relationship, avoidance of school and her physical changes to her body, due to puberty, would cause her be confused about herself. She would seek a sense of self, yet her maturity or millstone at this stage would not have developed parallel to her physical changes. Therefore, it may cause her to act out, such as smoking a pack of cigarette a day. Finding out about her mother’s mental health and having a mother being sick, made Pat unsure of herself and what she would like to be and what she belief

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