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Essay On Andrew Jackson's Presidency

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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the united states, and also the forefather of today's Democratic party. President Jackson was known as the common man's president, because he wanted to lower the authority of the federal government and give the states more power. Through his presidency, the president of the United States has become what it is today, the most powerful position in the world. In the beginning of Jackson's presidency his main objectives were to diminish the power of the government, but what he inevitably accomplished was making the Executive branch of government more powerful. Jackson believed that the president was not just an executive, but a representative of the people. When he entered his term of presidency his main …show more content…
It was a success, in he became the first self-made man to become President of the United States. Further, he supported the common man and felt that the government was only helping the rich people. Not to mention, during Jackson's presidency, he paid off the national debt. Also, he postponed the civil war for thirty years by preventing South Carolina from dissolving the Union during the nullification crisis. Over and above, Jefferson's democracy ended the elite's monopoly in government. Although, through President Jackson's banking changes an economic collapse occurred due to, private banks printing money. In like manner, the Spoils System led to the hiring of incompetent and sometimes corrupt officials due to the emphasis on party loyalty above qualifications. With this in mind, Jackson's administration was different from any other administration, because unlike previous presidents, Jackson was a self made man. In addition, he did not defer to Congress in policy making, but used his party leadership and presidential veto to maintain absolute power. As a matter of fact, he vetoed bills if they did not benefit the country, unlike other presidents that only vetoed bills if they were

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