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Essay On Hate Speech

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Politics has always been an open field for expression of free speech. Now a day’s many politician are in news for giving hate speeches and hence charged for outraging the societal peace. They got involve in these types of issues just to get more support from any specific community. Some recent cases of hate speech are discussed below:
A local court has issued notice to BJP lawmaker Varun Gandhi asking him to appear in court in connection with a 2009 hate speech case few days back. In another recent case police in Telangana have filed charge sheet against MIM leader Akbaruddin Owaisi in the alleged hate speech case few months back. SNDP leader Vellapally Natesan had also faced music of the court in connection with the case registered against him for making an alleged communal hate speech at Aluva. An FIR was lodged against All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslim (AIMIM) legislator AkbaruddinOwaisi by Kishanganj district …show more content…
Supremacist and outright menacing statements deny that targeted groups have a legitimate right to equal civil treatment and advocate against their equal participation in a democracy. Destructive messages are particularly dangerous when they rely on historically established symbolism, such as burning crosses or swastikas, in order to kindle widely shared prejudices. Messages that are meant to hurt individuals because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, or sexual orientation have a greater social impact than those that attempt to draw out individuals into pugilistic conflicts.
Establishing a broad consensus for large-scale harmful actions, such as those carried out by supremacist movements, relies on a form of self-expression that seeks the diminished deliberative participation of groups of the population. Hate speech extols injustices, devalues human worth, glamorizes crimes, and seeks out recruits for anti-democratic

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