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Ethics Paper


Submitted By tamonhu
Words 618
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Ethics Paper
Tania Hudson
ETH/316 Version 3
February 17, 2014
Christopher Whetstine

According to virtue ethics what is important to ethical life is the commitment to be a good and virtuous person. Virtue ethics is based more on a person’s character rather than rules. Virtues are reliable habits that you engrave into your identity, habits that direct you toward good. Utilitarianism focuses on the consequences of your actions. It argues that if you can increase the overall happiness of the world in some way then you have brought good. Deontological ethics places emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions, and focuses on the logic and ethics. In deontological ethics an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the actions itself, not because the product of the action is good. Deontological says that some actions are morally obligatory regardless of their consequence.
A personal experience I would like to share relates to Virtue theory, I chose this one because of recent work incident that resulted in me getting terminated from my job just about a month ago. My employer states that I violated a Code of Ethics policy, because I signed a co-workers name to a loan document. Now I admit that I did sign this document but I not for reason of any personal gain, I know the code of ethics policy but my understanding of the consequences are different from what the Human Resources department feels. The document was a loan calculator used for validation purposes the information gathered on this form can be approved by Loan Processor (my title) and Underwriters the Loan officer completes this form at the time of submission but has does not have be known aware of any changes because the information all comes from reviews by myself and the underwriter. Now I signed the document and sent it to the underwriter

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