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European History


Submitted By nidhii18
Words 10698
Pages 43

“Based on Seminar delivered by Prof. Dr. De Meuter”

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European culture & history

LESSONS OF HISTORY: * Historical truth & historical books doesn’t always actually say or what it meant in the books. * They books are changed from time to time according to the situations and conditions.
Example of Christopher Columbus who discovered America has been discussed in the class, where the actual evil intentions of Columbus were discussed who started his journey in search of India and discovered America. Here the myth is said as a history but the factual reality is left behind.
Perennial philosophy: The perennial philosophy says about the whole world’s religious traditions as sharing a single, universal truth on which the foundation of all religious knowledge and doctrine has grown. In the perennial philosophy the several representations of different countries such as kundalini of India where the seven chakras represents seven energies present around the spine, Greece and the Caduceus / Homer and the Odyssey, Egypt and the Uraeus-Cobra & vulture, South America’s the oroburos, Chinese Dragon and the European alchemy which representation has different meaning has been discussed.

Europe and Christianity: The Catholic doctrine teaches that Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. It interprets the Confession of Peter as acknowledging Christ's designation of Apostle Peter and his successors to be the temporal head of his Church. In 380, Christianity became the state religion for Roman Empire till it falls. In the seventh century, Islam came into existence and till

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