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Evaluating The Impact Of Collectivism On Soviet Economics And Society

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1) Evaluate the success of the first Five Year Plan.
The Five Year Plans were a sequence of national plans directed towards the Soviet Union’s economic advancements. The first Plan was created to initiate collectivization and rapid industrialization. The successes of Stalin’s first Five Year Plan included the high rate in factory distribution and the creation of the Soviet Union as a prominent industrial power. However, due to these successes the agricultural production was damaged as a result of Stalin’s collectivization, which lead to the starvation of many Kulaks, rebellion and widespread famine.

2) Assess the impact of collectivism on Soviet economics and society.
Collectivism is a system in which private farms were eliminated, instead, the government owned all the land while the peasants worked on it. Stalin’s Five Year Plans were used to strengthen the Soviet Union domestically through financial independence and focused on industrialization as well as agricultural collectivization. Collectivization impacted the Soviet economics and society negatively because of the unpopularity within the peasant class and the Kulaks especially, mass slaughters of livestock and famine, …show more content…
As a result of Stalin’s purges over 10 million of the 20 million people sent to his labor camps died and nearly half of the country’s population was lost. Consequences of the purges include the prevention of progress in the Soviet community due to the high rates of imprisonment for the educated population in Russia, the military power of the Communist party was damaged due to many prominent leaders’ deaths and submission of the Party, lastly, technological growth was hindered due to the high portions of the educated

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