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Evidence Based Practice


Submitted By poca
Words 14473
Pages 58
The Significance of Having a Multidisciplinary Team 3


The growing prevalence and hospital acquired pressure ulcers is an immediate concern.

The major challenge is the A major challenge is the lack of knowledge and skills in wound

identification, management, treatment and prevention. This, along with other factors, creates

poor patient care and vast costs to the pertinent facilities. The solution is to have

interprofessional collaboration. The utilization of current advanced practice nursing staff as a

resource for floor nurses and other involved healthcare workers is a must. This would obtain

certification in wound care and be responsible for the ongoing continued education for wound

prevention, monitoring and maintenance. The staff will be educated and trained at quarterly

intervals on wound identification, staging, prevention, maintenance and monitoring.

Key words: wound care, evaluation, pressure ulcers, multidisciplinary, specialist, evidence

The Significance of Having a Multidisciplinary Team 4

Problem Identified

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) declared in October of 2008 that

it will no longer provide reimbursement for hospital acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) because

it is a preventable occurrence (CMS, 2014). Even though the percentages of occurrences have

declined since then, HAPUs continue to cause financial strain on institutions (estimated $9.1-

$11.6 billion dollars loss annually) (Leaf Healthcare Inc., 2014). Nurses are in a position to

decrease these numbers but barriers remain.

Staff nurses in acute care settings, as well as hospital based transitional units provide care

for patients with multiple diagnoses. These nurses are required to identify potential risk factors

and put in place preventative measures. Wound prevention remains one of the top

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