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Examine Some of the Ways Gothic Horror Is Presented in Frankenstein Showing How Your Understanding of Mary Shelley’s Techniques Has Been Illuminated by Your Reading of Poe’s Short Stories


Submitted By JDR1994
Words 1517
Pages 7
Examine some of the ways Gothic horror is presented in Frankenstein showing how your understanding of Mary Shelley’s techniques has been illuminated by your reading of Poe’s short stories

Firstly, Shelley uses the setting of her novel in order to create an unsettling atmosphere in various chapters. Factors such as time, weather and architecture all play an important role in bringing horror to life in both Frankenstein and Poe’s short stories. Mary Shelley aligns Victor with the Romantic Movement, which emphasised a turn to nature for experiences like hope and happiness. The natural world has notable effects on Victor’s mood. He is moved and happy in the presence of the scenic beauty of Switzerland. In return this also reminds Victor of his guilt, shame and regret. “The rain depressed me; my old feelings recurred, and I was miserable”.
This enables the weather to foreshadow Victor’s emotions throughout the novel. The theme of nature also reappears in the monster’s narrative. Whereas Victor seeks the high cold hard world of the Alps for comfort, as if to freeze his guilt, the monster finds solace in the soft colours of a spring time forest. This symbolises his desire to reveal himself to the world and interact with others. The architecture of the early nineteenth century was typically gothic and of a medieval revival style. It is this gloomy and frightening scenery, which sets the scene for what the audience should expect. Likewise, Poe uses the setting to convey tension and horror in many of his short stories. Prince Prospero’s “Castellated Abbey” is described as; “Extensive and magnificent”. Not only does this highlight the power and wealth of the Prince, but also the scale of the haunting surroundings. The abbeys maze-like design with tall narrow windows and winding hallways create the impression of a dark, claustrophobic and oppressive

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