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Examples Of Innocence In The Crucible

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In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, people who were innocent were accused of witchcraft. These people lived in a community that had high morals, and they stood up to their morals. In the Puritan community of Salem, Massachusetts people's pride and name meant a lot, so people did whatever they needed to in order to keep their reputation clean. In The Crucible John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Martha Corey are amongst those who are accused of witchcraft even though they are innocent, and to keep their good name they do not admit to the crime that they didn't do, they condemn themselves to death. John Proctor is wrongfully accused of witchcraft in The Crucible, he did not confess to live, to keep his name and reputation clean and keep his pride, he condemned himself to death. In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Proctor is a well respected man in Salem. Towards the end, in Act IV of the play, he decides to sign a confession so he can live with his wife and children. Once he hands his confession takes it back and says, "I have confessed myself! Is there no good penitence but it be public? God does not need my name nailed upon the church! God sees my name; God knows how black my sins are! It is enough!" Since he confessed, he only wants those who are present to know that he signed his name …show more content…
At the beginning of Act III, Judge Hawthorne asks Martha if she denies being a witch. She responds, "I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is." Hawthorne pushes for more asking, "How do you know, then, that you are not a witch?" Martha Corey is using reason is her responses showing the readers that the court in this play is being irrational and not using their common sense. The court would not reason, and Martha would not lie and hurt her pride, therefore she too, condemned herself to

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