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Fedex Case Study


Submitted By kristinelaber
Words 377
Pages 2
Case 1 How FedEx Works: Enterprise Systems 1. FedEx uses many businesses processes when shipping an item. First they arrive to pick up the package, upon arrival they scan the package so they know it is now in their possession and it is able to be tracked. This is part of a manufacturing and production process, as well as a sales and marketing process. It is a manufacturing and production process because it starts the initial travel or shipping of the package to its destination. Sales and marketing is used through customer service by getting someone to use FedEx (generating an order) and by the convenience of having the package picked up from the customers door step. Once the package is picked up it is taken to a hub or sorting center. At the sorting center the package is put on a conveyer belt that sorts through the packages and sends them to their destination. While on the conveyer belt the packages are scanned by invisible laser beams which weigh each box and measure the size. The length, width, & height are measured and together they produce the volume of the package, this tells FedEx how much to charge the customer for shipping. This particular example is in the financing and accounting category of a business process. The packages are then pushed by a diverter to the appropriate slide; there are nine of these slides or chutes all of which represent a different location in the U.S. The packages that are unable to be read are sorted manually. They are then put in a container to be shipped via air. Scales weigh the container before it is put on the aircraft. FedEx has employees who are responsible for knowing when the flights are coming in, leaving, or being delayed. They also monitor the packages and know how many there are in each aircraft. When the flight lands packages go to a new sorting center. The package is then put on the truck to be delivered

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