Premium Essay

Food and Wine


Submitted By kevinyin319
Words 773
Pages 4
It is my pleasure to join my group members to make a four course meal with appropriate wine selections. I enjoy the group project very much because we have a very comfortable dining place and kitchen, very friendly group members and also great food and wine pairing. It is an interesting experience to cook a meal with classmates since I am a person who is passionate with cooking and wine tasting. After all, I also learn a lot about wine since one of the group members work at a fancy restaurant bar. First of all, we have an appetizer named BLT golden. It is made of fresh cherry tomatoes, crispy bacon, mayo and arugula. It is my first time tasting cherry tomatoes. It has a very unique flavor. Cherry tomatoes are a bit sour with sweet and fresh tasting. The juice was burst out all over the place when I take a first bite of it. The saltiness of the bacon was just right and that balance with the taste of sweet and sour cherry tomatoes. The Riesling was selected to pair the fruity appetizer. This wine is one of the best wines for most ladies. For me, I think the Riesling that we have is a bit sweeter than the normal wines out there which is a good thing. Ladies in our group like it very much since it does not have strong smells and taste of alcohol. The Riesling goes well with the appetizer because it brings out the freshness of the tomatoes and contrasted the crispy bacon. It warms up my stomach and added acidity to my mouth and I am ready for the starter. The starter of the meal is called honey spring citrus salad. The salad is made of honey pecan, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, navel oranges and red wine vinegar. I am responsible for making this salad and it actually works out pretty well. We have made a judgment on the look of the salad that it is so Asian. Well mixed vegetables with red vinegar are placed in the middle of the plate. Well cut

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