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Free Living Teens: Why Did They Really Give Up?

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When 16 year old teen Luis confesses to his guardians that his girlfriend is pregnant his uncle wasn’t mad, he just told Luis that he would have to work twice as hard to achieve his dreams. Lots of other teens go through this to.Here are some examples. Devin Thompson;used to be a free living teen, but now at age 17 Devin is saving video game money for diapers. Devin also works 2 jobs and does not get a lot of sleep. Another example is Dominique Brooks who beat all odds and graduated high school when 50% of teen moms don’t.
Lastly there is Luis Chavez who doesn’t set an alarm clock instead he has his daughter Abril to wake him up at 4:30 am. All of these parents love their kids but what did they really give up. Dominique loves her

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