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Submitted By QingW
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Pages 11
To: Joan Allatta- Corporate Managers of GameStop From: Helen Zhang, Section 001 Date: 12/05/2012 Re: How we can continue GameStop’s aggressive growth in the industry against the risk of emerging technology and the changing taste of consumers.

Executive Summary: The objective of this analysis is to design a strategy that will continue GameStop’s growth as the largest retail gaming store in the industry despite threats from alternate methods of gaming and changes in consumer taste. Analysis will show that the retail gaming industry is an unattractive industry since the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers are high, barrier into the industry are low, and competitors are numerous. GameStop uses a broad differentiation strategy by offering a wide selection of new and used games and consoles. Its marketing strategy and reputation gives the firm a sustainable competitive advantage but its research and development give the firm a competitive parity. The environment of the retail gaming industry possesses the threat of technological and sociocultural risks. GameStop can address these risks by merging with online social media sites and contracting with its suppliers to increase barrier for new entrants in the industry.

April 20, 2013

Introduction After the acquisition of EB Games, GameStop rose as the leading video game retailer in its industry. In an effort to sustain their position, GameStop will have to tackle several technological and sociocultural issues that have arisen from its competitive environment. The strategic objective we wish to accomplish in this analysis is to formulate a viable strategy that will continue GameStop’s growth in the industry to remain as the go to video gaming store for the video gaming enthusiast. The retail gaming industry is a relatively new industry but GameStop has shown tremendous growth since 2002. An external

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