Premium Essay

Hal Roach


Submitted By iggyccg
Words 1272
Pages 6
Film d’Art – France * French stage plays * To preserve the great triumphs of French stage. * First movies – only scenes * From 1906 such films are made and by 1912, an hour length * 1910: bigger screens for multi-reel movies for a greater audience

Italian film business * Emerges in 1912 * More like a grand opera * Multi-reel, gigantic elaborate sets * Stories and legends about ancient Rome * Movies can last for up to 2 hours * The feature films do not qualify for nickelodeons because they are too long and they are worth more than a nickel, which is the maximum price of movies on nickelodeons. * George Kleine adopts the movies and charged an admission price of around $0.50-$1.00, calling them special films.

Gaumont-Palace, Paris, France

Adolph Zukor * Early 20th century – Nickelodeon * Knows that people would be willing to pay more than a nickel to watch. Brought from outside the states the Passion of Christ from Germany which has multiple reels. With special advertising in Church magazines, charge $0.50-$1.00 for the tickets. * 1912 – American Film Rights for Queen Elizabeth with Sarah Bernhardt (45min-1hr) * Company in 1912: Famous Players to open the movie Queen Elizabeth. * Promised starting 1913 every week will be new movies * Notices that the best selling movies are the stage play movies starring 19-year-old newbie Mary Pickford. He sweeps all the old stars and stars Mary Pickford in more movies. * Mary Pickford becomes world’s famous actress. * Average ticket price is pretty low up to the 20th century.

The Feature Film * Books and plays filmed

The Deluxe Theatre * To show feature films * Popularity features and a steady supply of them * Admission $1-2 * Capacity up to 6000 * Feature with live music * Weekly change of programs

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