...Activity 1 – Imagery and Symbolism Discussion: Symbols and Images - Formative Dropbox: Poetic Verbal-Visual Collage (5%) Activity 2 – Diction Dropbox: Event Poem/Reflection - Formative Activity 3 – Form Discussion: Forms - Formative Activity 4 – Sound and Sense Dropbox: Poetry Analysis – Formative (5%) Activity 5 – Theme and Understanding Discussion: Battle of the Critics - Formative Activity 6 – ISP Reflective Journal Dropbox: Reflective Journal - Formative Activity 7 – Culminating Activity Dropbox: Best Poem in the World (5%) Discussion: Best Poem - Formative Unit 3 – 25% Activity 1 – Culminating Assignment Essay Module Discussion: Integrated Quotations - Formative Discussion: Elaboration of Evidence - Formative Activity 2 – Worldviews and Interpretations Dropbox: “The Return” Response (Parts A, B, and C) - Formative Activity 3 – Text Attack Discussion: The 5 ‘W’’s - Formative Activity 4 – Dramatic Irony Dropbox: Incidents of Dramatic Irony – 2.5% Activity 5 – Target the Audience Discussion: Cultural/Political Passage - Formative Activity 6 – Allusions in Hamlet Dropbox: Allusion Chart – Formative Discussion: Posting Allusion Chart - Formative Activity 7 – Hamlet Act IV & Preparing to Write the Literary Essay Dropbox: Cause...
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...Ranking the Play Hamlet The Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet is among the best ever written, and perhaps the very best. Why do the literary critics say this? In this essay let’s examine the play to see what makes it a prizewinner. Phyllis Abrahms and Alan Brody in “Hamlet and the Elizabethan Revenge Tragedy Formula” give some detail about the reasons for the undying popularity of this play: No play demonstrates the power and glory of Shakespeare’s tragic vision more than Hamlet, which for over 350 years has excited us with its action, its insight, its brilliant language. Hamlet is an unparalleled adventure story, complete with suspense, intrigue, murder – even a battle at sea with pirates. It is a play of intense emotional and physical violence. Yet underlying all of this are some of the most profound explorations of the mysteries of human existence. (43) This play is ranked by many as the very greatest ever written. Cumberland Clark in “The Supernatural in Hamlet” gives the consensus regarding Hamlet that exists among literary critics of today: At least six or seven years pass after the writing of Midsummer Night’s Dream before we find Shakespeare engaged on Hamlet, the second of the great plays with an important Supernatural element, and, in the opinion of many, the greatest tragedy ever penned. (99) There is no more exalted ranking than the above. Richard A. Lanham in the essay “Superposed Plays” maintains that no...
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...MLA & APA Write Rules for Assignments in English Courses 1. The Modern Language Association (MLA) format is used for citation and documentation when writing about literature and art. Research in MLA is documented with in-text citations and a Works Cited page. MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ 2. The American Psychological Association (APA), also called the author-date system, is used in psychology and other social sciences. The APA cites sources as References. See APA Style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/ 3. Essays should be written in blue or black ink if in class, or typed on a Word file if written out of class. Papers are submitted by attaching the Word file to Blackboard Assignments. 4. Use 8 ½ by 11 white paper and a 10 or 12 point font. Avoid fancy typefaces such as script. 5. Double space throughout the paper. 6. Except for page numbers, use one-inch margins at the top, bottom and sides of the paper. 7. Type your name, the course number and date on the first page, top left, first page only. 8. Do NOT use a separate title page for essays shorter than 2500 words, or 20 pages. 9. Use a header (top right) for page numbers; your last name may be used with the page number. 10. Insert a page break before the first letter of the Works Cited or References, to keep that page last. 11. Center the specific title of your essay below the heading. If you are writing about a literary work...
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...writing depth and makes it something to remember. In fact, it is the very concept that makes Hamlet stand out from other pieces of literature. The intense struggle between the two main characters make it one of Shakespeare’s most well-known pieces of writing. From beginning to end, two characters have the power to create, mould and exemplify countless themes throughout Hamlet. The fierce conflict between Claudius and Hamlet is essential to develop the action and inaction, revenge, the impossibility of certainty and appearance vs. reality themes. The contrast between action and inaction is emphasized between Claudius and Hamlet due to the conflict between these two characters. To begin, Claudius sends Hamlet to an almost certain death immediately after he suspects Hamlet’s knowledge of his father’s murder. Quickly, he confides in Rosencratz and Guildenstern that, “[Claudius likes Hamlet] not, nor stands it safe with [everyone] / [t]o let his madness range” (III.iii.1-2), and demands, “therefore prepare you. I your commission will forthwith dispatch / [a]nd he to England shall along with you” (III.iii.3-4). It seems Claudius proceeds impulsively, however his calculated and rapid actions are the key to the development of the theme of action. Claudius smoothly uses “[Hamlet’s] madness” as the source of his nephew’s departure, though it is his own safety that concerns Claudius. Next, Hamlet cannot find the strength to kill his father’s murderer throughout most of the play. ...
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...Guide to Writing the Literary Analysis Essay I. INTRODUCTION: the first paragraph in your essay. It begins creatively in order to catch your reader’s interest, provides essential background about the literary work, and prepares the reader for your major thesis. The introduction must include the author and title of the work as well as an explanation of the theme to be discussed. Other essential background may include setting, an introduction of main characters, etc. The major thesis goes in this paragraph usually at the end. Because the major thesis sometimes sounds tacked on, make special attempts to link it to the sentence that precedes it by building on a key word or idea. A) Creative Opening/Hook: the beginning sentences of the introduction that catch the reader’s interest. Ways of beginning creatively include the following: 1) A startling fact or bit of information Example: Nearly two hundred citizens were arrested as witches during the Salem witch scare of 1692. Eventually nineteen were hanged, and another was pressed to death (Marks 65). 2) A snatch of dialogue between two characters Example: “It is another thing. You [Frederic Henry] cannot know about it unless you have it.” “ Well,” I said. “If I ever get it I will tell you [priest].” (Hemingway 72). With these words, the priest in Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms sends the hero, Frederic, in search of the ambiguous “it” in his life. 3) A meaningful quotation (from the book you are analyzing...
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...AHS RESEARCH MANUAL 2011 Student: __________________________ TERESA STERCHI KIM BROWN AHS LIBRARY CONTENTS PREPARATION OF THE RESEARCH PAPER........................................................1 SELECTING AND LIMITING THE TOPIC............................................................1 PREPARING A WORKING BIBLIOGRAPHY AND EVALUATING SOURCES…………….2 READING AND TAKING NOTES........................................................................3 DEVELOPING A WORKING OUTLINE/PLAN…………………………………………………….5 DOCUMENTING AND CITING SOURCES USING MLA STYLE……………..……………..7 WRITING THE PAPER…………………………………..…………………...........................18 MLA STYLE OF PARENTHETICAL/IN-TEXT CITATIONS………………………………….19 PLACING CITATIONS IN THE PAPER…………………………………………………………..21 FORMATTING AND TYPING THE REPORT USING THE MLA STYLE…………………26 TYPING THE WORKS CITED PAGE AND SAMPLE TITLE PAGE..........................29 PREPARATION Research is the process of gathering information from different sources on a particular topic. In daily life students may research buying a song on the Internet, buying a new MP3 player, an iPod, or any other product of interest. At school, students may have to research a historical topic, an author or literary work, or a contemporary issue and present their findings in a paper, PowerPoint presentation, or in a movie format. All of this is part of the process of asking questions, looking at the available information, and coming to a conclusion based...
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...AHS RESEARCH MANUAL 2011 Student: __________________________ TERESA STERCHI KIM BROWN AHS LIBRARY CONTENTS PREPARATION OF THE RESEARCH PAPER........................................................1 SELECTING AND LIMITING THE TOPIC............................................................1 PREPARING A WORKING BIBLIOGRAPHY AND EVALUATING SOURCES…………….2 READING AND TAKING NOTES........................................................................3 DEVELOPING A WORKING OUTLINE/PLAN…………………………………………………….5 DOCUMENTING AND CITING SOURCES USING MLA STYLE……………..……………..7 WRITING THE PAPER…………………………………..…………………...........................18 MLA STYLE OF PARENTHETICAL/IN-TEXT CITATIONS………………………………….19 PLACING CITATIONS IN THE PAPER…………………………………………………………..21 FORMATTING AND TYPING THE REPORT USING THE MLA STYLE…………………26 TYPING THE WORKS CITED PAGE AND SAMPLE TITLE PAGE..........................29 PREPARATION Research is the process of gathering information from different sources on a particular topic. In daily life students may research buying a song on the Internet, buying a new MP3 player, an iPod, or any other product of interest. At school, students may have to research a historical topic, an author or literary work, or a contemporary issue and present their findings in a paper, PowerPoint presentation, or in a movie format. All of this is part of the process of asking questions, looking at the available information, and coming to a conclusion based...
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... Essay writing involves expressing ones views and interpretations in relation to a specified subject area, and this clearly cannot be done in accordance with a fixed or universally applicable formula. Yet we would, I think, all agree that an essay can be judged in terms of what an informed reader can ‘get out of it’ and also that a ‘good’ essay is one which such a reader will find interesting, informative and easy to understand. If this is accepted it becomes possible to articulate some general features of an essay which will make it more interesting, informative and accessible. 1. Address the question or title; 2. Follow a structured and signposted sequence; 3. Demonstrate a familiarity with relevant literature; 4. Present an analysis and evaluation of the ideas and theories discussed; 5. Reveal internal integration and coherence; 6. Use references and examples to support its claims and arguments; 7. Detail references and sources and bibliography/referencing sections. Part 1: Writing an Essay 1. Addressing the Question/Title An essay should address what is meant by the title/question to which it refers. It should, in other words inform the reader of the issues of which are to be considered and the manner in which they are to be related. This may, for example, be achieved by describing previous definitions of, or approaches to, a problem and/of by offering the writers own interpretation of the issue/s. For Example, on approach to writing an essay entitled...
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...A TEACHER’S GUIDE TO THE SIGNET CLASSICS EDITION OF G EORG E B E R N A R D S HAW ’S PYGMALION By LAURA REIS MAYER BUNCOMBE COUNTY SCHOOLS, ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA S E R I E S E D I T O R S JEANNE M. MCGLINN, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Asheville and W. GEIGER ELLIS, Ed.D., University of Georgia, Professor Emeritus 2 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion TABLE OF CONTENTS An Introduction .......................................................................................3 Synopsis of the Play .................................................................................3 Prereading Activities .................................................................................6 During Reading Activities ......................................................................13 After Reading Activities .........................................................................21 About the Author of this Guide .............................................................29 About the Editors of this Guide .............................................................29 Full List of Free Teacher's Guides...........................................................30 Click on a Classic ..................................................................................31 Copyright © 2007 by Penguin Group (USA) For additional teacher’s manuals, catalogs, or descriptive brochures, please email academic@penguin.com or write...
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...Whenever you refer to either the work or ideas of someone or are influenced by another's work, you must acknowledge this. Similarly if you use a direct quotation from someone's work this should be referred to accurately. There are a number of systems of referencing. This guide offers detailed guidance based on a range of British and international standards for producing references and bibliographies according to the Harvard method. You may be asked to use another system, such as a numeric system or to use a different version of the Harvard method. If this is the case, please refer to your course handbook or tutors for guidance. This guide does not cover the use of footnotes as these are not used in the Harvard method. You can search this document or use the contents list below Contents: What is referencing? Why should you reference? When should you reference? What should you reference? Plagiarism How to reference using the Harvard method Principles of citing How to cite Citing sources with one author Citing sources with two or three authors Citing sources with more than three authors Citing edited sources Citing corporate authors: organisations, companies and institutions Citing more than one source by the same author(s) Citing when you cannot identify the author(s) of a source Citing when you cannot identify the year Citing quotations Citing images, diagrams, tables and figures Citing reproduced images, diagrams, tables and figures Citing images, diagrams, tables and figures that...
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...AS/A2 English Literature B Student Guide A-LEVEL STUDENT HANDBOOK CONTENTS PAGE | | | |What we Expect of A-Level Students |3 | |Overview of the AS and A2 Course |4 | |Assessment Objectives |5 | |AS Marking Criteria |6 | |A2 Marking Criteria |7 | |Selecting and Studying Texts |8 | |Approaching Essays – coursework |9 | |Punctuation Guide |11 | |Glossary of Literary Terms |12 | |Reading List ...
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...Chapter 1. How to Write an A+ Research Paper This Chapter outlines the logical steps to writing a good research paper. To achieve supreme excellence or perfection in anything you do, you need more than just the knowledge. Like the Olympic athlete aiming for the gold medal, you must have a positive attitude and the belief that you have the ability to achieve it. That is the real start to writing an A+ research paper. CONTENTS: STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION STEP 3. STATE YOUR THESIS STEP 4. MAKE A TENTATIVE OUTLINE STEP 5. ORGANIZE YOUR NOTES STEP 6. WRITE YOUR FIRST DRAFT STEP 7. REVISE YOUR OUTLINE AND DRAFT Checklist One Checklist Two STEP 8. TYPE FINAL PAPER STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm you put into your research. Focus on a limited aspect, e.g. narrow it down from "Religion" to "World Religion" to "Buddhism". Obtain teacher approval for your topic before embarking on a full-scale research. If you are uncertain as to what is expected of you in completing the assignment or project, re-read your assignment sheet carefully or ASK your teacher. Select a subject you can manage. Avoid subjects that are too technical, learned, or specialized. Avoid topics that have only a very narrow range of source materials. STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION Surf the Net. For general or background information...
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...How to Make Term Papers Outline ? A good term paper outline should have the following sequence and contents to write a term paper. Introduction Introduce the topic of your term paper about which you have to write the term paper and proceed to write thesis statement. Thesis statement Thesis statement is an essential part of any term paper. Develop a thesis statement which clearly states the point you are discussing. Body of the Term Paper The body of the term paper has all the points to discuss and support with favorable evidences, experiments or examples. Present the collected data in a way that supports the thesis statement. Conclusions It is the final part where you have to present all the results you got from the research and make suggestions for further development in the field. Bibliography It is the list of references of the sources of information. There are different formats of referencing the information resources such as APA, MLA, Harvard, etc. So use the one instructed by your supervisor. CONTENTS: STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC STEP 2. FIND INFORMATION STEP 3. STATE YOUR THESIS STEP 4. MAKE A TENTATIVE OUTLINE STEP 5. ORGANIZE YOUR NOTES STEP 6. WRITE YOUR FIRST DRAFT STEP 7. REVISE YOUR OUTLINE AND DRAFT Checklist One Checklist Two STEP 8. TYPE FINAL PAPER STEP 1. CHOOSE A TOPIC Choose a topic which interests and challenges you. Your attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and...
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...И. В. АРНОЛЬД Лексикология современного английского языка Издание третье, переработанное и дополненное Допущено Министерством высшего и среднего специального образования СССР в качестве учебника для студентов институтов и факультетов иностранных языков Сканирование, распознавание, проверка: Аркадий Куракин (ark # mksat. net), сен-2004. Орфография унифицирована к британской. Пропущены страницы: 50-53, 134-139, 152-161, 164-171, 201-202, 240-243 Москва «Высшая школа» 1986 Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru ББК 81.2 Англ-923 А 84 Рецензент: кафедра английской филологии Оренбургского государственного педагогического института им. В. П. Чкалова (зав. кафедрой д-р филол. наук Н. А. Шехтман) Арнольд И. В. А 84 Лексикология современного английского языка: Учеб. для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Высш. шк., 1986. — 295 с., ил. — На англ. яз. Учебник посвящен слову как основной единице языка, его семантической и морфологической структуре, особенностям английского словообразования и фразеологии. Английская лексика рассматривается как непрерывно развивающаяся система. В 3-м издании (2-е—1973 г.) обновлен теоретический и иллюстративный материал, расширены главы, посвященные теории слова и семасиологии. А 4602010000—443 001(01)—86 215-86 ББК 81.2 Англ-923 4И (Англ) © Издательство «Высшая школа», 1973 © Издательство «Высшая школа», 1986, с изменениями Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru CONTENTS ...
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...University of Roehampton Referencing Style Guide Harvard Version 2012 Learning Services Supporting innovation in teaching, learning and learner development The Green Room, Library rm 217 www.roehampton.ac.uk/Learningservices Contents INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 DISCLAIMER ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE ........................................................................................................................................... 1 WHAT IS REFERENCING, AND WHY SHOULD I DO IT? .................................................................................... 1 PARAPHRASING ................................................................................................................................................. 2 QUOTING ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 CITATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 . BIBLIOGRAPHIES OR CITED WORKS/REFERENCE LIST ..........................................................................
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