Premium Essay

Harmful Effects of Soda


Submitted By fernantheman
Words 655
Pages 3
Informative Essay
Soda Pop

It is a beautiful summer day. You are out by the pool enjoying some hot dogs and hamburgers with your family. Mom passes you an ice cold coca cola to wash down the food you just shoved down your throat. No big deal right? Most people don’t know how dangerous drinking soda can actually be. As children we grow up drinking soda with every meal not really worrying about the side effects or the damage it has on our bodies. In most families soda is the norm. It tastes good, therefore it is good. Soda can do some very horrid damage to your teeth that you would not be able to imagine. Some researchers say that as soon as the first three minutes of consumption soda can be as destructive to your teeth as drinking battery fluid ( So what actually happens when we put coca cola into our bodies? I’ll tell you. In the first ten minutes of drinking one can of coke 10 teaspoons of sugar enter your system. One can of Coke alone has enough sugar to fulfill the FDA’s recommended daily intake. Ten minutes later your blood sugar rises creating a boost in insulin. By the fortieth minute the caffeine in the drink is fully absorbed causing your pupils to dilate and your blood pressure to rise. At this point the brain has blocked your adenosine receptors, preventing drowsiness (Meredith). Caffeine is a highly addictive drug that most people use to wake them up and get a little boost of energy when feeling tired. Consuming too much caffeine can cause side effects as extreme as cancers of the bladder and stomach, symptoms of diabetes, raised blood pressure, and it may even contribute to birth defects in babies (Ding). Forty-five minutes have gone by since consuming the can of coke now your body raises the amount of dopamine produced exciting the pleasure sensors in your brain. This is very similar to how heroin works (Meredith). The

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