Premium Essay

Harris And Carbado Analysis

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Pages 6
Ethical Reasoning Final Paper
The writing’s from Harris and Carbado, “Loot or Find: Fact or Frame” (Harris & Carbado, pg. 527) dissect a common notion that is a part of the ideology of many Americans, whether consciously or subconsciously. The writings dissect two pictures each depicting people who are in “survival mode,” doing whatever is necessary to survive the devastation that ensued Hurricane Katrina. In one picture, two white people are depicted as “finding supplies” and implied the heroic description of being “survivors,” and doing whatever is necessary to survive the devastation. In a separate picture, depicting the same situation but where the person who is doing whatever is necessary to survive is a black boy and instead of being …show more content…
However, you must realize that these negative words used to frame low-income persons are not accurate descriptions. Anyone, at anytime, can fall into difficult circumstances. Subjecting those who are lower income to frames that demean and undervalue them is not only cruel, but it is unjust. Justice, which is also commonly described as fairness, is the minimal principle that seeks to treat all persons alike (CITATION). The idea of justice, and treating all persons alike is quite contrary to what is currently done in our country. The negative framing that is done to describe low-income persons in our country is just plain foolish. A common frame of low-income people being too lazy to work or too lazy to work harder and move up the “corporate ladder.” Many people who are without work want to work, desperately so. Many people working dead-end jobs would love to have their hard work pay off and move up in the company. But the idea that someone should “just get a job,” and “work harder” are not accurate and are much easier said than done. The societal framing is a misinterpretation of the injustices and inequality of our …show more content…
America is the country where you decide your future, it’s not in the hands of your parents or grandparents. You can make a name for yourself simply by working hard and being a good person…however, in the year 2015 that is quite far from what is actuality. The idea of justice and equality would mean that all people have equal opportunity beginning at birth. Unfortunately, we know that this idea of equality is skewed and that America is a very unequal country. The inequality in our country can be confirmed by looking at the wealth gap in out country, the urban school system, and the opportunity over the rich vs. that of the poor. Upon dissecting the wealth gap, will come a realization of how just unequal America really is. The wealth gap shows that 1% of America’s population controls over 25% of the wealth. (CITATION) The lower-middle class populations would take multiple lifetimes to ever make the same amount of money as the top 1% of the population. This disturbingly large wage gap makes it clear that our country is far from equal. Unfortunately, the dividing of social classes is another inequality our country faces, specifically school systems. It is no secret that an upper class child who comes from a rich family will not only go to a much better school, but he/she will also do much better in school than a poor black or Hispanic child from a low/working class family. The odds for the

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