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Health Advocacy Campaign


Submitted By ajc6601
Words 4109
Pages 17
Health Advocacy Campaign
Childhood obesity is considered one of the major pressing health issues of our century. The rate of childhood obesity has increased alarmingly, with the number of obese children under five globally standing at over 42 million today. Approximately 35 million of obese children are living in the developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) children who are obese and overweight are very likely to stay obese into their adulthood; further, they stand a high chance of developing non communicable diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease while they are still young (Cheng, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to highlight the gravity of childhood obesity based on statistics and the health effects that the issue has on the children and impacts in the society. Further, the study will develop a health advocacy plan for the problem. Review laws, regulations, and ethical issues that could impact health advocacy plan in regards to childhood obesity. Population Health Issue and Population Affected
Childhood obesity has spread to global dimensions and is progressively affecting many low- and middle-income countries, and particularly those that are domiciled in urban settings. In the US alone, one in every five children is obese or overweight; this number is on the rise. Although weight problems can be traced back to the family genealogy, however, this is not all children who come from families that have a known problem of obesity will become overweight. Children whose parents and siblings are overweight stand a high chance of getting obese themselves, though this can be associated to the shared family behaviors like eating and activity habits (Kaplan, Liverman & Krak, 2005). The resultant effects of childhood obesity wreck havoc in the lives of these children. Obesity increases the likelihood of

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