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Health Campaign on Obesity Part 2


Submitted By quez1092
Words 2037
Pages 9
part 2 health campaign

Stephanie hildeth hcs 535
September 20, 2013 sally kohls

Health Campaign on Obesity
Health Campaign Part 1 Summary
In Part 1 of this paper, the issues of obesity and some of the initiatives implemented nationally ad locally was examined in the state of Texas. Due to the in depth concern of the growing effects on obesity, the initiatives of this paper focused on the impact of obesity for children on all levels of communities. Furthermore, the paper also pointed out the importance of addressing the importance of fight on obesity. This paper identified the statistics of this disease from data gathered from Healthy People 2020 showing that the obesity rate has increased by 57% amongst adults ages 20 and over from 22.8% to 35.7% between 1988-1994 and 2009-2010. Also during the same time frame, children and adolescents obesity rate climbed the charts for ages 2 to 19 by 69% from 10.0% to 16.9%. Health Campaign Part 1 also explored the prevalence to how in the state of Texas the range from 20.5% in Colorado to 34.7% in Louisiana in 2012. This identified that no states had a prevalence of obesity less than 20% (CDC, 2012).
In the continuing efforts of addressing the pubic health issues, community organizations, the state and federal governments have implemented a serious role in taking steps to help with the concerning disease of obesity. Local communities and agencies have collectively come together to help with the fight on adult and childhood obesity. The community outreach has involved parents, teachers, and local companies to help spread the awareness of obesity. The state and federal levels have provided statistical information provided as public information to keep the community up to date on the fight to reduce the risk of obesity.

Target Population Nationally:
Adults: The racial and ethnic groups that are being affected the

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