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Health Partnerships


Submitted By NoahhenrysMum
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Delivering Health Outcomes in Partnership
Sharon Raine Head of Organisational Planning Darlington Borough Council

Research Problem
Responsibility for Public Health has returned to the Local Authority after almost 40 years, what has changed? New duties give soft governance but no hard powers DoH estimates that long term conditions account for 69% of health and social care spend, but what impacts most on the health status of the population and how successful are local strategies?

Darlington has an ageing population with service demand rising
Local government is facing unprecedented budget cuts, is the Public Health Budget an easy target

Does Darlington have effective leadership and influence to ensure partnership delivery?

Aims and Objectives
Aim: To establish how Darlington Borough Council can work as part of a partnership in order to effectively achieve health outcomes within the current economic climate Objectives: To evaluate the changing role of local authorities with regards to public health over the last 40 years

To analyse the effectiveness of local authority partnerships and strategies in achieving health outcomes within local communities To critically review the impacts of the current economic climate upon local authorities achieving health outcomes within local communities To establish future partnership strategies for the successful achievement of health outcomes within Darlington

Academic Sources
Full Academic Reference
Coster, C., Mays, N., Scott, C. and Cummings J. (2009) The Impact of Health Needs Assessments and Prioritisation on District Health Board Planning in New Zealand. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management. Vol.24 no.4, pp. 276-289 Litva et al. (2002) The public is too subjective': public involvement at different levels of healthcare decision making. Social Science and Medicine. Vol. 54 no.12 pp. 1825-37

Content of Resource
The research paper evaluates the impact of health needs assessments as a tool to prioritise the needs of residents and associated planning and purchasing practices

Relationship to the Research
To inform a comparative analysis of the approach to strategic needs assessments in Darlington and how this contributes to the effectiveness of partnerships and strategies in achieving health outcomes within local communities The findings from this research will help inform the approach to public involvement in the development of future health strategies in Darlington

The research paper systematically explores the public’s preferences for being involved in decisions and provides a critical examination of the degree of involvement desired by the Public

Academic Sources
Full Academic Reference
Humphries et al (2012) Health and Wellbeing Boards. Systems Leaders or Talking Shops?. Kings Fund

Content of Resource
The report explores how local authorities are implementing the governments NHS and social care reforms and what can be learned from previous partnership approaches.
This book analyses partnerships in many policy fields, identifying barriers to making partnership work and critically evaluating the advantages and disadvantages.

Relationship to the Research
My research will consider whether the findings from this report can inform partnership development in Darlington

Balloch, S. and Taylor, M. (2001) Partnership working: policy and practice. Policy Press, Bristol.

As this book covers wider policy fields than health it will be used to widen the knowledge base used to inform health partnership development in Darlington

Academic Sources
Full Academic Reference
France et al (2010) The Evaluation of Arrangements for Effective Operation of the New Local Safeguarding Children Boards in England. Department of Education

Content of Resource

Relationship to the Research
Information from this research will be used to help inform the establishment of future partnership strategies for Darlington

The research brief examines the new structures and processes of the Boards, particularly focussing on knowledge transfer, information and influencing between partners.

Boydell, L. (2001) Partnership Framework: a model for partnerships for health. Institute of Public Health in Ireland, Dublin

The document presents a model for those involved in Partnerships for Health to assist with building more effective and sustainable partnerships.

This work will be used to assist in analysis of current partnership approaches to health in Darlington

Primary Research

A range of qualitative methods associated with an interpretivist approach. Interviews Miriam Davidson - Director of Public Health, Darlington Borough Council Ada Burns – Chief Executive, Darlington Borough Council Councillor Bill Dixon – Chair, Health and Wellbeing Board Dr. Andrea Jones – Chair, Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group
Focus Group Public Health Team – Darlington Borough Council

Potential Pitfalls and Solutions
Potential Pitfalls Proposed Solutions

Knowledge gained from interviews may not allow for generalisations or comparisons
Focus group sessions may not encourage people to give candid views

Semi structured interviews will be prepared to ensure some comparative analysis and triangulation
A confidentiality agreement will be drawn up and consent forms signed by focus group members

Evaluating the application of solutions from other areas or organisations may not be valid
Individual bias, assumptions and perspectives may influence the findings of the research

Analysis of literature will focus on comparable areas and organisations
A peer debriefing approach will be adopted to test emerging findings


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