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Health Reform


Submitted By bbailey25
Words 867
Pages 4
B Bailey

Health Reform Plan
The Clinton Healthcare Plan of 1993 also known as the Health Security Act was a package presented under the direction of President Bill Clinton. His presidency started on January 20, 1993 and lasted until January 20, 2001. During his 1992 presidential election, Clinton pushed for this bill to be passed by Congress. “After nine months of brainstorming and politicking, President Clinton delivered to Congress today a 240,000-word proposal for universal health insurance” (Pear, 1993). This manifesto was the most multiplex, comprehensive plan conveyed by any President. Under the Clinton plan, most Americans would get health insurance coverage only in regional alliances. “ A company with more than 5,000 full-time employees could operate its own health insurance program outside the alliances. People working at company headquarters would be in the corporate health plan” (Pear, 1993). If there were employees of a large company that worked in another state with 100 or less than they were able to join the local alliance there. The Clinton Healthcare Plan of 1993 would supply additional treatment of helping. “Mr. Clinton said his proposal would provide much more coverage of preventive services than is usually found in private health insurance plans” (Pear, 1993).

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 also known as Obamacare is a United States federal law signed in by President Obama on March 23, 2010. This law, jointly with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act represents the significant regulatory service of the United States healthcare structure since the passing of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Through this act, hospitals and primary physicians would be able to transform their practices financially, technologically and clinically to operate better health outcomes, lower costs, and improve methods of

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