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High School Football Drill Analysis

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It was an early fall day and the clouds were barely rising up with a nice breeze. I was at school later in the day when we had practice. My coach, Mr. Padilla, was really studying his paper work. He was a very kind guy and he is cool. Our coach expected 100% effort from the team. I was a little nervous because I did not know if I was going to make the team.
The people that were trying out for football went outside so we can practice. Our coach had us line up in our line to do drills. We did 5 drills for 2 minutes and some of them were hard. Also we did passing drills for 8 minutes.The passing drills were extremely difficult that made us dripping with sweat. Lastly, our coach told us to do 1 more play and then to huddle up because he was going

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