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How Did The Thirteen Colonies Influence British Colonization

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The participation of England in the maritime expansion of Europe to new lands occurred subsequent to the works carried out by Portugal and Spain, which since the fifteenth century had launched expeditions to the Atlantic Ocean. Despite the time difference, the English colonization of North America was very important for the economic development of England and its colonies in the north of the American continent, known as the Thirteen Colonies.
The first attempt at occupation of North America by the English happened to Walter Raleigh, who organized three expeditions to the region in the late sixteenth century. Raleigh did not get the expected success with the expeditions, because of the constant attacks of the indigenous people who lived there. …show more content…
The religious precepts served to consolidate an ethic of work, contributing to the prosperity of the settlers and also conforming a strict code of social conduct.
The situation there was more in the northern part of the Thirteen Colonies that became known as New England. They were part of the New England colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. With temperate climate, similar to what existed in England, have developed economic activities linked to fisheries, animal husbandry, and commercial activity and manufacturing output. Because most of Puritans in the region, religious intolerance also marked the form of social organization in the region.
Unlike this religious intolerance New England, the Middle Colonies, New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey proved to be more open to coming social groups with different beliefs. Also, it stood out in the colonization of these areas the presence of Dutch, Swedish, Scottish and other European peoples. In the economic aspect, the Middle Colonies were approaching their northern neighbours, gaining prominence the formation of an important commercial centre in the city of

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