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How Does Abigail Williams Use Revenge Quotes In The Crucible

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The Golden Rule states, do unto others as you would have them do onto you. However, human nature finds it very difficult to follow this and often wants to get revenge. People want to inflict the same pain that they went through on others. Arthur Miller demonstrates this through his book The Crucible. The Crucible demonstrates a theme that when revenge determines justice, havoc ensues; this theme is displayed through the allegations that Abigail Williams makes against John and Elizabeth Proctor, and their servant Mary Warren, as well as through the Putnams’ willingness to implicate their neighbors.
Abigail Williams is a narcissistic and manipulative character that is driven by her obsession with John Proctor. Henceforth, she tries to get …show more content…
However, she does not take into account that although John and Elizabeth are not on the best terms, he may not still stand up for her. Abigail has this preconceived idea that John does love her and wants to be with her. John knows that Abigail wants to get rid of his wife so he can marry her. Abigail makes her intentions clear when she says, “O John, I will make you such a wife when the world is white again!” ( Miller 150). He also knows that her actions are also driven by, “jealousy and lust” (Dunkleberger 98). However, John does not agree with her and or accept her and instead rejects her. With this in mind Abigail uses her anger of rejection to lead her vengeance in destroying John Proctor’s life and wants him to suffer also. Nevertheless, John does not let Abigail's actions win. In addition to agreeing to go to court to stand on Elizabeth’s behalf, he also goes to confess about his adultery. Conversely, this leads to John being accused of being a witch by Abigail and therefore he is sent to jail. If he does not confess then his punishment will be death by hanging. John does not confess because he insists he cannot lie and is killed because of Abigail’s impulsive deeds. Her actions cause others to start to accusing others because they see the benefits that it can bring. However, Abigail also makes some of the girls persecute others to cover up her own mistakes and to get her own way. Not only does Abigail cause pain in the Proctor house through her affair with John but also through Mary

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