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How To Read Literature Like A Professor Character Analysis

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Aslan represents a Christ figure. In How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster, Foster describes a Christ figure as “sacrificing yourself in some way for others” (129). In the movie, Aslan willingly trades his life for Edmund, one of the Pevensie children who betrays his siblings, to appease the White Witch’s claims that Edmund belongs to her because of his traitorous behavior. Aslan’s self-sacrificing actions are similar to those of Jesus Christ whose death was used to atone for all of mankind’s sins. The parallel of their deaths makes Aslan’s altruistic behavior even more sacrificial because it compares his action to the person whose sacrifice is greatly known by most people. Furthermore, Foster explains that as a Christ figure, he should have disciples. Already known by Narnia as the “King of the Woods” or the “Real King of Narnia,” the mere mention of Aslan brings hope to his followers despite him being away for many years. The Pevensie children, well most of them anyway, get baptised. According to the book, Foster describes baptism as “...taking the new believer completely underwater causes him to die out of his …show more content…
In the book, Foster describes the idea that “the plot needs something to happen in order to move forward, so someone must be sacrificed” (84) and it is very rare for that “someone” to be a protagonist. When Edmund accidentally reveals to the White Witch that Mr.Tumnus let Lucy escape rather than turn her in, the White Witch has Mr.Tumnus arrested. Upon finding out about Mr.Tumnus’s arrest, Lucy believes it is because of her doing, an event, which leads her to convince her siblings to stay in Narnia longer. Additionally, a fox is turned into stone when the White Witch finds out that it has been recruiting for Aslan. This event allows Edmund to see the full extent of the White Witch’s cruelty when it comes to those who try to rebel against

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