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How to Write a Resume


Submitted By dolphin1726
Words 508
Pages 3
Ken May
Address: Oguz Apartment, Floor 3, Room 8 -- Adana, Turkey 01120
Mobile Phone: 054-4418-4673
Nationality: USA
Date of Birth: 20/7/63 WORK EXPERIENCE
Date: March 2009 to June 1, 2012
Name: Ayutthaya Rajabhat University
Type of Business: Education (Thailand)
Position Held: English Lecturer
Main Activities: Academic Writing, English for Technology, and Tourism Studies

Date: March 2008 to March 2009
Name: Ayutthaya International School
Type of Business: Education (Thailand)
Position Held: English Teacher
Main Activities: Elementary/Middle School Level Speaking, Grammar, and Social Studies

Date: March 2001 to March 2007
Name: Ayutthaya Rajabhat University
Type of Business: Education (Thailand)
Position Held: English Lecturer
Main Activities: Academic Writing, Public Speaking, and Tourism Studies

Date: November 2000 to March 201
Name: Utah School for the Deaf and Blind Library Technician
Type of Business: Education (United States)
Position Held: Library Technician
Main Activities: Library Service for Deaf and Blind Students: Information Storage and Retrieval

Date: August 1999 to August 2000
Name: Nice Language Academy
Type of Business: Education (South Korea)
Position Held: English Teacher
Main Activities: Elementary/Middle School Level Speaking, Writing, Grammar, and phonics

Date: August 1998 to August 1999
Name: Berzsenyi Daniel College
Type of Business: Education (Hungary)
Position Held: Assistant Lecturer
Main Activities: Adult Level: Teacher Training, Classroom Pedagogy, and American Studies

Date: April 2005 to May 2005
Name and Type of Organization: Text and Talk, Teacher Certification Program
Principle Subjects: English teaching methods, grammar, phonics, language development
Title of Qualification: TEFL Certificate


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Writing a Resume

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