HRM 361 – Human Resource Management
Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 11 – Compensation * What is total rewards * How is it different than traditional compensation * Why compensation philosophies vary by organization * Entitlement vs. performance philosophies
Intrinsic vs. extrinsic rewards- Intrinsic rewards may include praise for completing a project or meeting performance objectives. Other psychological and social forms of compensation also reflect intrinsic type of rewards. Extrinsic rewards are tangible and take both monetary and nonmonetary forms.
* Role of the HR unit in compensation * Internal equity * External equity * Meet/lag/lead strategies * FLSA * Exempt / nonexempt * 5 categories of exempt employees * Overtime * Training & travel time * Independent contractors * How to classify * Tax implications for employers / employees * Market pricing and pros/cons * Pay grades * Red/green circle employees * Pay adjustments (e.g. seniority)
Chapter 12 – Incentives * Variable pay philosophy * How variable pay motivates employees * 3 categories of variable pay * Types of individual incentives * Gainsharing and how different from profit sharing * 3 types of commission pay plans and which is the most common * Examples of performance incentives * Why incentives should be tied to organizational goals * Pros/cons of bonuses vs. merit pay
Chapter 13 – Benefits * why employers offer benefits * flexible benefits * adverse selection * employee choice in benefits selection * personal statement of benefits * legally required benefits and discretionary benefits * workers’ compensation / unemployment / severance * recent trends in healthcare insurance * HMO / PPO / POS * Health savings